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Workshops for Educators

3rd August 2016 BY: sustainabilityhub@ceres.org.au

About Our Workshops

Highly experienced CERES education specialists and mentors can come to your school, early childhood centre, network meeting or event to facilitate a variety of teacher professional development workshops up to 2 hours in length. These sessions are informative, empowering and include hands-on activities that can be used in schools and early childhood centres.

Download a copy of our current CERES Outreach Education Services flyer

For Primary and Secondary Teachers


  • Embedding Sustainability in Your Curriculum
    Want to map sustainability to New Victorian Curriculum? CERES is here to help with this engaging and hands-on workshop that helps educators include sustainability in their curriculum in meaningful ways.
  • “Show Me the Money” – Grant Writing for Schools
    This popular workshop shares the tips and tricks for writing a successful grant application. We will also explore the types of grants that are available and where to find them. Read successful applications and learn how to add some sparkle so your application stands out.
  • Sustainability + Maths = Solving the Problem
    There are so many ways that sustainability and maths can be integrated. This workshop supports teachers to add some real-life spice to their Maths lessons with audits, analysis of data and more. Participants will have experience with free curriculum resources that can be taken back to the classroom (thanks to our friends at Cool Australia).
  • 2014 ResourceSmart AuSSI Vic HeaderIntroduction to ResourceSmart Schools
    ResourceSmart helps over 1,000 schools develop a whole-school approach to sustainability. CERES helped write this award-winning program and has been delivering it for over 10 years. In this workshop, participants will learn what is involved in ResourceSmart Schools, learn more about what other schools have done and have hands-on experience with different tools that help a school become more environmentally-friendly.

For Early Childhood Educators

  • Beleura Hill Dec 2013 Staff Workshop 1Education for Sustainability in Early Childhood
    This workshop introduces the elements of Education for Sustainability – Heart, Head, Hands. Find out how to engage children in nature play, have some fun with hands-on activities and learn what other centres are doing to reduce their impact on the Earth. There will also be time to think about opportunities to enhance the sustainability programs at your centre. Download a copy of our Early Childhood flyer for more information.

For Everyone

  • Taking Action, Changing Behaviours
    There are many ways to work smarter (not harder) when it comes to sustainability projects and campaigns. In this workshop, CERES will share some of the tips, tricks and tools for organising sustainability programs. We will explore how to create a plan, launch a project, engage community and celebrate achievements. We will also discuss what it takes to change behaviours and look at some of the planning tools used by others.

Book a workshop or find out more

To book a workshop or find out more, call CERES Education on 9389 0133 or email outreach@ceres.org.au.