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'Buildings wrapped in petrol': Xenophon pushes for total ban on deadly cladding

Senator Nick Xenophon will push for new laws banning flammable aluminium cladding, following a damning Senate report into the potentially dangerous building product.

The report, released on Wednesday, came in the wake of London's deadly Grenfell tower fire in June where more than 80 people died.

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Grenfell warning for Australia

Warnings have been issued about Australia's lax building laws and the risk of a Grenfell style fire happening here, during a Senate inquiry into non-compliant cladding.

It called for a ban on the importation and sale of polyethelene cladding in Australia.

Senator Xenophon will next week introduce a "safer cladding" bill into the Senate, in a bid to prevent the importation of flammable polyethylene-core aluminium cladding.

The panels have been blamed for a number of fires in high-rise buildings around the world, including the Grenfell tower inferno and Docklands' 2014 Lacrosse fire, in which no-one died.

He also called on federal and state governments to ban the cladding on building sites, and for audits of the cladding's use to be sped up.


"In Australia, we have thousands of buildings and dwellings which are effectively wrapped in petrol," Senator Xenophon said.

Highly flammable polyethylene cladding has been used on an estimated 10,000 Australian buildings in the past two decades.

Senator Xenophon said builders that had consciously chosen to cut costs using cladding that did not comply with fire safety rules had saved just $3 a square metre.

"This material is so hazardous that in the event of a fire, one kilogram of polyethylene will release the same amount of energy as 1½ litres of burning petrol," he said.


Craig Laundy, the Turnbull government's assistant minister with responsibility for building regulation, on Thursday said calls for a ban on polyethylene cladding would not work.

He said better regulation and compliance was needed. Mr Laundy compared banning the cladding with banning timber on building sites.

Other industry groups supportive of the cladding's continued use labelled Senator Xenophon's calls for a ban as "hysteria".

But Phil Dwyer, the national president of industry lobby group the Builders Collective, said Mr Laundy's response was disappointing.

"[His] choice of wording does not inspire confidence to the public, who have real safety concerns with cladding and its potential to put life at risk," Mr Dwyer said.

"Mr Laundy suggests a ban would not work – but a ban on the use of this explosive polyethylene cladding on high-rise buildings would work, and for that reason we endorse the view of the Senate."

Mr Dwyer also said that the core issue facing the building industry was "the systemic failure of privatisation and deregulation", along with pressures from those who benefited financially from a reduction in compliance.

Labor, which dominated the Senate committee that produced the report, wants the government to stop buck-passing the issue to the states and territories which have control of building codes.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Thursday told 3AW that cladding was being used inappropriately across the country.

"Part of the problem has been that cladding that is, if you like, able to be used in one context, in one type of building has been used in buildings where it shouldn't have been used," he told Neil Mitchell.

In a dissenting report, government senators opposed a ban on the cladding while acknowledging there were genuine concerns about its use.

"Banning an individual product will not solve the issue," they said.

"However consideration should be given to mechanisms to ensure better identification and evidence of suitability for use of these materials along the supply chain."

With AAP