- published: 05 Feb 2014
- views: 1850
Johnny Long, otherwise known as "j0hnny" or "j0hnnyhax", is a renowned computer security expert, author, and public speaker in the United States.
Long is well known for his background in Google hacking, a process by which vulnerable servers on the Internet can be identified through specially constructed Google searches. He has gained fame as a prolific author and editor of numerous computer security books.
Early in his career, in 1996, Long joined Computer Sciences Corporation and formed the corporation's vulnerability assessment team known as Strike Force. Following a short position at Ciphent as their chief scientist, Long now dedicates his time to the Hackers for Charity organization. He continues to provide talks at many well-publicized security events around the world. In recent years, Long has become a regular speaker at many annual security conferences including DEF CON, the Black Hat Briefings, ShmooCon, and Microsoft's BlueHat internal "Vayanse al Carajo" security conferences. Recently, his efforts to start the Hackers for Charity movement have gained notable press attention. His talks have ranged from Google hacking to how Hollywood portrays hackers in film.
DEF CON 14 - Johnny Long: Secrets of the Hollywood Hacker!
DEF CON 14 - Johnny Long - Death by 1000 cuts
DEFCON 13: Google Hacking for Penetration Testers
Johnny Long Legs // Johnny Test in Outer Space
No-Tech Hacking - Hacking without a Computer - Johnny Long
Johnny long - Former Google Hacker
Johnny Long and his Orchestra - A Shanty in old Shanty Town
187INC Young Johnny -Long journey長途旅程
Justin Bieber- As Long As You Love Me (Cover By 9 yr. old JohnnyO)
S03 ep10 Johnny Long Legs Johnny Test in Outer Space
Actors: J. Kristopher (actor), Corné Henri Bibo (actor), Cedric L. Williams (actor), Christopher Ray Allison (actor), Jordan Johns (actor), Myleena Laniece (director), Robyn Leigh Cobham (actress), Myleena Laniece (writer), Elena Diaz (actress), Bailey Enslow (actress),
Genres: Horror, Short,Actors: Herman Cohen (miscellaneous crew), Jack Chefe (actor), Robert Hyatt (actor), John Ireland (actor), Donald Kerr (actor), Harold Miller (actor), Walter Sande (actor), Lester Sharpe (actor), Charles Sherlock (actor), Bert Stevens (actor), Marshall Thompson (actor), Raoul Kraushaar (composer), Felix E. Feist (director), Bobby Barber (actor), William Bishop (actor),
Genres: Crime, Drama, Sport,Johnny Long: Secrets of the Hollywood Hacker! Abstract: Hacking stuff is for the birds. I'm taking a new path in life. I've decided to become a technical consultant for Hollywood. (No, not really, but work with me here). In my new role, I've decided it's time to take up the torch for all my fellow consultants who have been abused by you people through the years. We're all just sick and tired of your snide little comments about hackers in the movies. So go ahead. Make fun of Hollywood. Poke fun at A-list actors who "slide in [a] Trojan horse riding a worm" or B-movie bandits that use "mega modems with compression". Snort your snooty little snicker at smarties who smash 128-bit DES encryption in a skimpy 60 seconds. Who do you think you are, anyway? You've probably never even USED 128-bit D...
Death By 1000 cuts Johnny Long / j0hnny Abstract: In this day and age, forensics evidence lurks everywhere. The task presented to modern forensics investigators is a daunting one. During this talk, you'll slip into the shoes of an uber-agent hot on the trail of the illustrious Knuth from the Stealing the Network series. Haven't read the latest installation? You should. How would YOU catch a guy that MELTED his hard drive platters and sanded down all his CDs? Where's the evidence? That's the question of the hour. Answer it correctly and you could win any number of cool prizes. Now that the talk description you can show you boss is out of the way, what's this really about? Think of it as the hacker's version of "Where's Waldo." You'll laugh. You'll learn. You'll cry when you realize the a...
Speaker: Johnny Long, Penetration Tester Google Hacking returns for more guaranteed fun this year at Defcon 13! If you haven't caught one of Johnny's Google talks, you definitely should. Come and witness all the new and amazing things that can be done with Google. All new for Defcon 13, Johnny reveals basic and advanced search techniques, basic and advanced hacking techniques, multi-engine attack query morphing, and zero-packet target foot printing and recon techniques. Check out Google's search-blocking tactics (and see them bypassed), and learn all about using Google to locate targets Google doesn't even know about! But wait, there's more! Act now and Johnny will throw in the all new "Google Hacking Victim Showcase, 2005" loaded with tons of screenshots (and supporting queries) of some...
Trying to improve on human evolution, the girls revisit their “extra arms” theory and, of course, test it on Johnny. // Johnny & Dukey are wondering if there’s life in space.
You'll hear old familiar terms like "dumpster diving", "social engineering", and "shoulder surfing". Gain info about a person by looking at details such as the type of shoe and wear, taking photos of a PC screen or ID badge etc. One of my favorites coming from a phreak and social engineering background, speech was recorded at Defcon 15 in 2007. I included this on the "The Black Packet - Tech Info - Volume 1 - Hacking Freedom and Safety" - DVD. Hope you learn something! Dont forget to subscribe! http://www.facebook.com/theblackpacket http://www.theblackpacket.com VISIT WWW.CLOWNSEC.COM FOR MORE HACKING TUTORIALS!
Here is an excellent clip of the Johnny Long orchestra performing, "A Shanty in old Shanty Town." Enjoy!
187INC Young Johnny-Long journey長途旅程 詞曲: Young Johnny DJ.CHRONIC 錄音.混音:DJ.CHRONIC The Notoroius B.I.G. - Sky's The Limit cover V.1 當夜晚來臨 全世界都好安靜 感受到了真正的孤獨 最害怕的事情就是與自己的獨處 希望真的能睡著 像小時候一樣甜美 在夢境中還可以和喜歡的人一起約會 當如此簡單的事情 變成一種奢求 或許這就是長大 但是為何會變成這樣 吞了幾顆 處方簽 希望能好眠 希望明天早上起來 還是能裝成一樣的笑臉 一樣的面對 一樣的人群 一樣的事情 一樣的心態 一樣的迷失 一樣的懷疑自己 那我是不是真的重要 對於這個世界? 他們是否會原諒我的自私 我的不告而別 我站在窗邊 心理糾結 是否該結束這痛苦 但是必須做的俐落乾脆 再見了 這個世界 希望我不會再為我自己流下了眼淚 HOOK. 當你需要的時候 我們就在你左右 沒有什麼難關不能度過 我就牽著你的手 陪你一起走 V.2 你該想想 愛你的姊妹 還你的家人 他們對你的愛 還有我會陪你的人生 心情低落的夜晚 可以聽哈熱假期 187都在陪著你 希望能點亮你的心情 這世界沒有甚麼事過不了的難關 只要保持堅定的心 一切都可以平反 你得好好閃耀 這不只是你對自己的責任 而是所有在意你的人 我簡稱為是我們 這是個 Long journey 我與你同在 有再大的困難 你都不在孤單 這是個 Long journey 我與你同在 有再大的困難 我不會將手放開 這是個 Long journey 我與你同在 有再大的困難 你都不在孤單 這是個 Long journey 我與你同在 有再大的困難 我陪你一起打敗 HOOK. 187INC 謀殺有限公司 粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.c...
SHARE ON TWITTER: http://tinyurl.com/TweetJohnnyOALAYLM Thanks for checking out my cover of As long as you love me, by Justin Bieber! I think it's an awesome song, and i hope you like my version of it! If you like this video make sure you LIKE, FAV, and SUBSCRIBE! That shows me that you appreciate the effort that went into making this cover! :) Links :) Social: http://twitter.com/JohnnyOSings http://www.facebook.com/JohnnyOsings http://Keek.com/JohnnyOsings http://statigr.am/johnnyOsings Music Website: http://JohnnyOsings.com http://YouTube.com/JohnnyOsings (OFFICIAL) http://YouTube.com/JohnnyLogs (OFFICIAL) ** ALL OTHERS ARE POSERS** Download the original song by Justin Bieber on iTunes
Transcripts http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1110/16/lkl.01.html перевод с транскрипта Ларри Кинг: Мы сидим в офисе Джонни Деппа. Он не похож ни на один из офисов, которые мне приходилось раньше видеть. Позже у нас будет возможность немного его изучить. Он, конечно же, один из самых знаменитых и многогранных актеров своего поколения. А также режиссер, продюсер, музыкант. Его новый фильм «Ромовый дневник» выходит 28 октября. Единственный роман, написанный Хантером Стоктоном Томпсоном. Мы поговорим об этом немного позже. ЛК. Ты делаешь не так много вещей вроде этой (интервью -- прим.) Ты не любишь быть интервьюируемым или... ДД: Нет. Просто я не слишком хорош в этом, вы знаете. Никогда не был в этом очень хорош. ЛК: Почему нет? ДД: Не знаю. Это, вы знаете, это странная вещь....
Johnny Long is the founder of Hackers for Charity, author, speaker, an early pioneer in the field of Google hacking, one of the world's best Social Engineers, and likely does more good than you. https://twitter.com/ihackstuff/ http://www.hackersforcharity.org/
Subscribe on YouTube: http://youtube.com/afterbuzztv @TheMarkLong and @RoxyStriar interview @MTVBananas AFTERBUZZ TV - AfterBuzz TV's Spotlight On edition, is a long form interview series featuring actors and TV personalities discussing their roles and shows as well as their thoughts, passions and journeys. In this episode host Roxy Striar and Mark Long interview Johnny Bananas. Johnny Devenanzio was born on June 22, 1982. He is an actor, known for The Challenge(1998), The Real World (1992) and We Heart Diem (2014). Follow us on http://www.Twitter.com/AfterBuzzTV "Like" Us on http://www.Facebook.com/AfterBuzzTV For more of your post-game wrap up shows for your favorite TV shows, visit http://www.AfterBuzzTV.com All playlists: https://www.youtube.com/user/AfterBuzzTV/playlists HELPF...
SecurityOrb.com had the opportunity to talk to Johnny Long of HackersforCharity.org at ShmooCon 2012 about his organization and him.
Circa 1965. Johnny is as spun-out on dope as I've ever seen him, tirelessly (if you know what I mean) advocating for Native Americans on Pete Seeger's TV show. It's amazing to think about the incredibly focused, compelling music Cash was producing during this period, in this practically near-death physical condition. Concludes with a run-through of "As Long As The Grass Shall Grow" that actually is more resonant for Cash's decrepit state.
From the Wildwood Archives!!! Site: http://bit.ly/UgxER9 Johnny A: http://bit.ly/16rT5Qi Facebook: http://on.fb.me/VO2m3L The journey of Gibson Signature Artist Johnny A has been a long one. Join Wildwood Guitars owner Steve Mesple and the man himself, Johnny A, as they sit down to discuss Johnny's long road, and what give him his signature sound! ~ Johnny A. ~ "Johnny A. has one of the most eloquent voices in modern music - and he doesn't sing a note. Instead, he channels joy, love, humor, sadness... every aspect of the human experience, through his guitar. Only the finest musicians have the ability to capture the nuances of life in sound, which puts Johnny in a very exclusive group of six-stringers that includes Les Paul, Wes Montgomery, Jeff Beck, Chet Atkins, and Jimi Hendrix. The...
There are very few government checks on what America’s sweeping surveillance programs are capable of doing. John Oliver sits down with Edward Snowden to discuss the NSA, the balance between privacy and security, and dick-pics. Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more almost news as it almost happens: www.youtube.com/user/LastWeekTonight Find Last Week Tonight on Facebook like your mom would: http://Facebook.com/LastWeekTonight Follow us on Twitter for news about jokes and jokes about news: http://Twitter.com/LastWeekTonight Visit our official site for all that other stuff at once: http://www.hbo.com/lastweektonight Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more almost news ...
Arnold Schwarzenegger, bodybuilder, former Mr. Olympia, Conan, Terminator, and Governor of California, discusses exercise, weightlifting to get in shape, women's fitness and muscle composition, and women's liberation. This is his first appearance on the Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson in 1979. This Arnold Schwarzenegger clip features some early discussions about how women can get fit with exercise and weight lifting and can avoid bulky muscles with bodybuilding. This is the first part of a three part interview with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Johnny Carson. Original airdate: 11-13-1979. Promotes "Arnold's Bodyshaping for Women" Subscribe to JOHNNY CARSON YOUTUBE: http://bit.ly/johnnysub Like Johnny Carson on FACEBOOK http://fb.com/JohnnyCarson ITUNES http://bit.ly/carsontv DVD: http:...
This is a clip of Helen Reddy singing the title track from her 1973 album "Long Hard Climb" on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. Although it was never released as a single, it has always been a fan favorite. After Helen sings the tune, she sits with Johnny and has a chat. "FAIR USE" COPYRIGHT NOTICE: I believe posting of this video constitutes a "fair use" of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without fee or payment of any kind to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fa...
Seems like nowadays
ain't nothin meant to last
One day you've got it all
and then it disappears so fast
Oh and our love
is on and off again
well I know you wanna quit me baby
but a quitter never wins
You walked out on our lovin
while I stayed through thick and thin
After all that we've been through baby
you're gonna tell me it's the end
And oh, our love
is on and off again
Well I know you wanna quit me baby
but a quitter never wins
It seems like nowadays
love's a word that no one means
You said you'd never leave me
and then you up and walked out on me
Oh our love
oh is on and off again
Well I know you wanna quit me baby
but a quitter never wins
Well I know you wanna quit me baby
but a quitter never wins