
Why snakes are finding their way into Sydney suburbia more often

Saumya Shahmardani's husband was relaxing in the sun in the courtyard of their Parramatta home when he realised he had company. 

"He just spotted a red-bellied black snake very close to him, also sunbathing," she said. "The snake wasn't doing anything but I have a toddler and I was really worried about his safety."

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Snake breeding season slithers into Sydney

Spring keeps Snakes In The City catcher Harley Jones busy across Sydney.

Snakes are most active during the spring and summer, breeding and hunting for food in the warmer weather - and they don't just stay in the bush.

But there is another reason they are becoming more prevalent in Sydney's suburbs: urban development.

Sean Cade, from Australian Snake Catchers, said that increasing urban development meant that snakes were becoming displaced and trying to return home to an area now filled with housing.

"There's not a larger number, just more being displaced," he said. "When they do excavating, the snakes will disperse into already inhabited areas. Once the developments are finished, the snakes will gravitate back."


He also said an increase in urban development was making his job harder as appropriate snake habitats were being reduced.

"It's getting more difficult to release them too," he said. "If you go too far, you can potentially take a disease to another area."

Mrs Shahmardani said she hadn't seen any other snakes but her neighbours say they can be quite common.

"We recently moved to the townhouse but our neighbours said there are plenty of snakes nearby."

She said that, after calling a snake catcher, Robert Ambrose, she felt much more reassured about the safety of her family.

"He gave me a lot of information and he demonstrated the whole snake anatomy to us explaining the snake is more scared of us than we are of them," she said. "He said the thing that people do wrong is that they harm the snake. He said we should just let it go."

Mr Ambrose, who catches about one snake a week in winter and up to 15 in spring, said:  "I find that new suburbs with new people will see snakes when they move in."

Red-bellied black snakes are one of the most frequently encountered snakes on the east coast of Australia but will generally only deliver a bite under severe provocation.

Mr Cade said that spring is the time when snakes are spotted more often as males search for prospective mates.

"Spring and summer is when they're more mobile," he said. "The males will travel around and there's heightened activity as they're out searching for females. There may even be some combat."

Jess Cook, a keeper at Wild Life Sydney, said that it was important to know what to do when encountering a snake.

"The most important thing to know is that if you or your kids see a snake or spider, you should never touch them," she said. "You should always keep a safe distance, call your local licensed snake or animal handler and they will remove the snake."

She also said that people could help snake catchers by helping to identify the snake and its location.

"If you can, try to keep note of where the snake is and what it looks like so they know what type of species it is and handle it accordingly," she said.

Wild Life Sydney's top tips to keep safe this snake season

  • Do not leave clothes, shoes, towels, etc. on the floor.
  • Do not keep shoes outside on the ground, and if you need to, keep them on an angle so spiders can't crawl in.
  • Spiders and snakes love to hide in dark places and pools, so try to minimise the amount of garden waste and rubbish in your backyard. 
  • Keep pot plants and clutter away from house. 
  • If you are cleaning guttering, make sure you always have thick gloves on. 
  • If you have a chicken coop, keep it at a safe distance from the house.