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Anarchy, Freedom, Constitutionalism - Red and Black Forum with Dr Alex Prichard

Date and Time: 
Saturday, April 16, 2016 -
2:00pm to 4:30pm
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How do you know when you're free? Anarchists have usually said you're free to the extent that you're not dominated. But what secures this non-dominated state? Do we need to be empowered, or is something else needed?

Alex Prichard (from Exeter University in the UK) will introduce his current research project, conducted with Ruth Kinna, on this subject. What they argue is that anarchists need to think more clearly about constitutional politics, that is rules, regulations, institutions and the divisions of powers. These are taboo subjects at the moment across large parts of the movement, but routinely adopted in general assemblies, camp rules, plural decision making arrangements and so on. They argue that the 19th century republican tradition (rather than Trump and the GOP!), and the classical anarchists that developed it, give us plenty to think about that can help here.

Come along and get involved in the discussion!

For more information on Alex, check out his bio's: https://socialsciences.exeter.ac.uk/politics/staff/prichard/ and https://exeter.academia.edu/AlexPrichard

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/967067990037613/