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Jura Bookshop

Jura Bookshop in 2013 at the launch of How to Make Trouble and Influence People

We stock thousands of great radical books and pamphlets - many of which you won’t find anywhere else.

We choose our stock carefully, and are always happy to make recommendations - just ask. Our main focus is books that are by, for, about, or of interest to anarchists and anarchism. Sometimes we have books that not everyone agrees with, but we think ought to be available. We never stock material that is racist, sexist, homophobic, pro-capitalist, or pro-war etc.

We also sell political t-shirts, posters, CDs and DVDs. We have a large shelf of free pamphlets and other material.

Major sections:
Anarchism | Feminism | Race and ethnicity | Environment | Queer politics | Workers struggle | Veganism and animal rights | History | Fiction | Art

Smaller sections:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples | Imperialism and colonialism | Economics | Sociology and governance | Libertarian Marxism | Communities and utopias | Sustainable living | Health | Law and prisons | Education | Parenting | Young adults | Children | Situationism | The IWW | Postmodernism | Anti-war | Religion | Primitivism | Science and technology.


Jura Bookshop in 2011

Why shop at Jura?

By shopping at Jura you support and participate in a genuinely grassroots, anarchist community project. We are non-profit, volunteer-run, directly-democratic, anarchism-in-action.

We get most of our stock wholesale from radical publishers such as AK Press, PM Press, Black Rose Books, CrimethincBreakdown Press, Rebel Press, Freedom Press, Christie Books, and Justseeds. We put a minimal mark-up on the books; this money is used to expand our range and pay bills. For everything else we rely on donations. This means that books are often cheaper at Jura than at commercial bookshops, and can even be cheaper than buying online.



We often have sales and cheap second-hand books available. Sign up to our monthly email newsletter to get advance notice. Or sign up as a regular monthly donor to receive a 20% discount on all merchandise in the shop - in addition to any sale discount.


Jura Bookshop in 2011

Online shop

We are in the process of creating a fully-functioning webshop. In the mean time, you can contact us if you're after something particular or to arrange a mail order for anything mentioned on this website. To see a selection of new books, check out the news feed. If we don't have something in stock, we are happy to try to track it down for you. 


Opening hours

Our current opening hours are displayed in the sidebar to the right.

Please note that we're all volunteers, so sometimes we don't open as planned. If you're making a special trip, please call us to check that we're open: 9550 9931. If you think we should be open more often, why not get involved and help out! The bookshop is also open during our events - like talks, gigs and films. You're welcome to come a bit early, or stay for a while after the event and browse our books.


Jura Bookshop in 2011