- published: 13 Sep 2017
- views: 2840
The League of Legends Championship Series (LCS), formerly known as the Riot Championship Series, is the name of two professional League of Legends eSports leagues run by Riot Games. Twenty teams compete in two separate competitions in North America and Europe, with ten teams per continent. Each annual season of play is divided into two splits, spring and summer, both consisting of nine weeks of round-robin tournament play, which then conclude with play-off tournaments between the top six teams from each region. At the end of the season, the highest placing three teams in each league qualify for the annual League of Legends World Championship.
The LCS represents the highest level of League of Legends play in Europe and North America. The LCS has a promotion and relegation system; the bottom teams in the LCS from each split compete with the top teams from the Challenger Series (CS) to compete for spots in the next split of the LCS. The Challenger Series in each continent is composed of six teams: three teams which failed to advance in the previous promotion tournament, one team from the previous CS split, and the top two teams from ranked ladder play in the respective public League of Legends online game server.
LCS may refer to:
Cloud Nine or Cloud 9 may refer to:
A game is structured form of play, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool. Games are distinct from work, which is usually carried out for remuneration, and from art, which is more often an expression of aesthetic or ideological elements. However, the distinction is not clear-cut, and many games are also considered to be work (such as professional players of spectator sports or games) or art (such as jigsaw puzzles or games involving an artistic layout such as Mahjong, solitaire, or some video games).
Key components of games are goals, rules, challenge, and interaction. Games generally involve mental or physical stimulation, and often both. Many games help develop practical skills, serve as a form of exercise, or otherwise perform an educational, simulational, or psychological role.
Attested as early as 2600 BC, games are a universal part of human experience and present in all cultures. The Royal Game of Ur, Senet, and Mancala are some of the oldest known games.
CLG could refer to:
FLASHBACK // 2017 EU LCS Regional Qualifiers
Paris Aftermovie - 2017 Summer EU LCS Finals
MSF vs. G2 | Final | EU LCS Summer Split | Misfits vs. G2 Esports (2017)
FNC vs. H2K | Regional Qualifier Day 3 | EU LCS Summer Split | Fnatic vs. H2K (2017)
UOL vs. H2K | Regional Qualifier Day 2 | EU LCS Summer Split | Unicorns of Love vs. H2K (2017)
TSM vs. IMT | Final | NA LCS Summer Split (2017) | TSM vs. Immortals
TSM vs Immortals | Game 1 Grand Finals S7 NA LCS Summer 2017 Play-Offs Boston | TSM vs IMT G1
Cloud 9 vs CLG Game 4 | Finals NA LCS Regional Qualifier for S7 Worlds 2017 | C9 vs CLG G4
Final | NA LCS Summer Split (2017) | TSM vs. Immortals
TSM vs Cloud 9 Game 5 | Grand Finals S7 NA LCS Spring 2017 | TSM vs C9 G5 1080p
Cloud 9 vs CLG Game 1 | Finals NA LCS Regional Qualifier for S7 Worlds 2017 | C9 vs CLG G1
TSM vs Immortals | Game 4 Grand Finals S7 NA LCS Summer 2017 Play-Offs Boston | TSM vs IMT G4
TSM vs Dignitas | Game 1 Semi Finals S7 NA LCS Summer 2017 Play-Offs | TSM vs DIG G1 SF
C9 vs. CLG | Regional Qualifier Day 3 | NA LCS Summer Split Game 4 | C9 vs. CLG (2017)
[11.09.2017] C9 vs CLG [LCS NA Hè 2017][Tranh Vé CKTG 2017 - Ván 1]
H2K vs. SPY | Regional Qualifier Day 1 | EU LCS Summer Split | H2K vs. Splyce (2017)
[11.09.2017] C9 vs CLG [LCS NA Hè 2017][Tranh Vé CKTG 2017 - Ván 4]
Cloud 9 vs CLG | Game 2 S7 NA LCS Summer 2017 Week 1 Day 1 | C9 vs CLG G2 W1D1
Fnatic vs. Misfits | Semifinals Day 1 | EU LCS Summer Split | FNC vs. MSF (2017)
FlyQuest vs CLG Game 1 | Round 2 NA LCS Regional Qualifier for S7 Worlds 2017 | FLY vs CLG G1
Next lvl LCS tactics
My LCS Love Life
Find out who booked their last minute trip to Worlds with Flashback! Play-Ins start September 23rd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1ryBmeqLIQ For more EU LCS coverage, schedule, vods and more, check out http://eu.lolesports.com Join the conversation on Twitter, TWEET #EULCS: http://www.twitter.com/lolesports
Relive the epic moments of finals and get a taste of the Paris crowd's electric energy as we gear up for worlds.
EU LCS Summer Split Playoffs 2017 #EULCS Misfits vs. G2 Esports Watch all matches of the split here from all of our leagues: NA LCS, EU LCS, LCK Champions Korea, LPL. FULL VOD PLAYLIST - https://www.youtube.com/user/LoLChampSeries/playlists?view=50&shelf;_id=72&sort;=dd You can always learn more and view the full match schedule at http://www.lolesports.com. Join the conversation on Twitter, Follow us @lolesports : http://www.twitter.com/lolesports Like us on FACEBOOK for important updates: http://www.facebook.com/lolesports Find us on INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/lolesports Check out our photos on FLICKR: http://bit.ly/lolesportsFlickr
EU LCS Summer Split Regional Qualifier 2017 #EULCS Fnatic vs. H2K Watch all matches of the split here from all of our leagues: NA LCS, EU LCS, LCK Champions Korea, LPL. FULL VOD PLAYLIST - https://www.youtube.com/user/LoLChampSeries/playlists?view=50&shelf;_id=72&sort;=dd You can always learn more and view the full match schedule at http://www.lolesports.com. Join the conversation on Twitter, Follow us @lolesports : http://www.twitter.com/lolesports Like us on FACEBOOK for important updates: http://www.facebook.com/lolesports Find us on INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/lolesports Check out our photos on FLICKR: http://bit.ly/lolesportsFlickr
EU LCS Summer Split Regional Qualifier 2017 #EULCS Unicorns of Love vs. H2K Watch all matches of the split here from all of our leagues: NA LCS, EU LCS, LCK Champions Korea, LPL. FULL VOD PLAYLIST - https://www.youtube.com/user/LoLChampSeries/playlists?view=50&shelf;_id=72&sort;=dd You can always learn more and view the full match schedule at http://www.lolesports.com. Join the conversation on Twitter, Follow us @lolesports : http://www.twitter.com/lolesports Like us on FACEBOOK for important updates: http://www.facebook.com/lolesports Find us on INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/lolesports Check out our photos on FLICKR: http://bit.ly/lolesportsFlickr
IMT vs TSM G1 finals NA LCS - Immortals vs TSM game 1 PlayOffs lol eSports NA LCS Summer 2017. LoL eSports S7 NA LCS Summer 2017 - TSM vs Immortals Game 1 | League of Legends NA LCS 2017 IMT vs TSM G1 VOD 1080p Full HD. first match of Stream 1 - Immortals vs TSM best of 5 Game 1. TSM vs IMT G1 full game in HD 1080p. Team Solomid Line-up: Hauntzer - top Gnar Svenskeren - jungle Gragas Bjergsen - mid Syndra DoubleLift - ADC Xayah Biofrost - support Rakan Immortals Line-up: Flame - Top Cho'Gath Xmithie - Jungle Jarvan IV Pobelter - Mid Galio Cody Sun - ADC Tristana Olleh - Support Morgana Patch: 7.16 - Season 7 Game date: 03.09.2017 | 09/03/2017 | September 3rd 2017 Game place: NA LCS Battle Arena Casters: Phreak, Kobe and Jatt There are more playlists in the playlist section on the cha...
CLG vs C9 G4 na lcs regionals for Worlds 2017 - CLG vs Cloud 9 game 4 Regional Qualifier lol eSports NA LCS Summer 2017. LoL eSports S7 NA LCS Summer 2017 - Cloud 9 vs CLG Game 4 | League of Legends NA LCS 2017 CLG vs C9 G4 VOD 1080p Full HD. Fourth match of Stream 1 - CLG vs Cloud 9 best of 5 Game 4. C9 vs CLG G4 full game in HD 1080p. Cloud 9 Line-up: Impact - top Galio Contractz - jungle Rek'Sai Jensen - mid Orianna Sneaky - ADC Xayah Smoothie - support Janna Counter Logic Gaming Line-up: Darshan - Top Shen OmarGod - Jungle Maokai Huhi - Mid Taliyah Stixxay - ADC Tristana Aphromoo - Support Alistar Patch: 7.16 - Season 7 Game date: 10.09.2017 | 09/10/2017 | September 10th 2017 Game place: NA LCS Battle Arena Casters: Jatt, Azael and PastryTime There are more playlists in the playl...
C9 vs TSM G5 - Finals TSM vs Cloud 9 game 5 PlayOffs lcs Spring 2017 (NALCS 1). LoL eSports S7 NA LCS Spring 2017 PlayOffs - TSM vs C9Quest Game 5 | NA LCS 2017 TSM vs C9 G5 NA LCS VOD HD. S7 NA LCS Spring 2017 Play-Offs playlist: http://bit.ly/NA-SPRING-2017-PO League of Legends Season 7 NA League Championship Series Spring 2017. Fifth match of Stream 1 - Cloud 9 vs TSM Final best of 5 Game 5. Cloud 9 Line-up: Ray - top Kled Contractz - jungle Kha'Zix Jensen - mid Ekko Sneaky - ADC Lucian Smoothie - support Lulu Team Solomid Line-up: Hauntzer - top Camille Svenskeren - jungle Lee Sin Bjergsen - mid Syndra WildTurtle - ADC Varus Biofrost - support Nami Patch: 7.6 - Season 7 (Galio disabled) Game date: 22.04.2017 | 04/22/2017 | April 22nd 2017 Game place: NA LCS Battle Arena Cast...
CLG vs C9 G1 na lcs regionals for Worlds 2017 - CLG vs Cloud 9 game 1 Regional Qualifier lol eSports NA LCS Summer 2017. LoL eSports S7 NA LCS Summer 2017 - Cloud 9 vs CLG Game 1 | League of Legends NA LCS 2017 CLG vs C9 G1 VOD 1080p Full HD. First match of Stream 1 - CLG vs Cloud 9 best of 5 Game 1. C9 vs CLG G1 full game in HD 1080p. Cloud 9 Line-up: Impact - top Maokai Contractz - jungle Nidalee Jensen - mid Syndra Sneaky - ADC Tristana Smoothie - support Rakan Counter Logic Gaming Line-up: Darshan - Top Gnar OmarGod - Jungle Gragas Huhi - Mid Orianna Stixxay - ADC Caitlyn Aphromoo - Support Thresh Patch: 7.16 - Season 7 Game date: 10.09.2017 | 09/10/2017 | September 10th 2017 Game place: NA LCS Battle Arena Casters: Jatt and PastryTime There are more playlists in the playlist sec...
IMT vs TSM G4 finals NA LCS - Immortals vs TSM game 4 PlayOffs lol eSports NA LCS Summer 2017. LoL eSports S7 NA LCS Summer 2017 - TSM vs Immortals Game 4 | League of Legends NA LCS 2017 IMT vs TSM G4 VOD 1080p Full HD. Fourth match of Stream 1 - Immortals vs TSM best of 5 Game 4. TSM vs IMT G4 full game in HD 1080p. Team Solomid Line-up: Hauntzer - top Gnar Svenskeren - jungle Gragas Bjergsen - mid COrki DoubleLift - ADC Tristana Biofrost - support Rakan Immortals Line-up: Flame - Top Rumble Xmithie - Jungle Sejuani Pobelter - Mid Lucian Cody Sun - ADC Xayah Olleh - Support Alistar Patch: 7.16 - Season 7 Game date: 03.09.2017 | 09/03/2017 | September 3rd 2017 Game place: NA LCS Battle Arena Casters: Phreak, Kobe and Jatt There are more playlists in the playlist section on the channe...
DIG vs TSM G1 NA LCS Semi Finals - Dignitas vs TSM game 1 PlayOffs lol eSports NA LCS Summer 2017. LoL eSports S7 NA LCS Summer 2017 - TSM vs Dignitas Game 1 | League of Legends NA LCS 2017 DIG vs TSM G1 VOD 1080p Full HD. First match of Stream 1 - Dignitas vs TSM best of 5 Game 1. TSM vs DIG G1 full game in HD 1080p. Team Solomid Line-up: Hauntzer - top Shen Svenskeren - jungle Gragas Bjergsen - mid Kassadin DoubleLift - ADC Tristana Biofrost - support Thresh Dignitas Line-up: Ssumday - top Renekton Shrimp - jungle Jarvan IV Keane - mid Taliyah Altec - ADC Kalista Adrian - Support Blitzcrank Patch: 7.16 - Season 7 Game date: 26.08.2017 | 08/26/2017 | August 26th 2017 Game place: NA LCS Battle Arena Casters: Kobe, Jatt and PastryTime There are more playlists in the playlist section o...
VOD of C9 vs. CLG (Game 4) Regional Qualifier Day 2 2017 #NALCS Cloud9 Lineup: Impact - Top Galio Contractz - Jungle Rek'Sai Jensen - Mid Orianna Sneaky - ADC Xayah Smoothie - Support Janna Counter Logic Gaming Lineup: Darshan - Top Shen OmarGod - Jungle Maokai Huhi - Mid Taliyah Stixxay - ADC Tristana aphromoo - Support Alistar Watch all matches of the split here from all of our leagues: NA LCS, EU LCS, LCK Champions Korea, LPL. FULL VOD PLAYLIST - https://www.youtube.com/user/LoLChampSeries/playlists?view=50&shelf;_id=72&sort;=dd You can always learn more and view the full match schedule at http://www.lolesports.com. Join the conversation on Twitter, Follow us @lolesports : http://www.twitter.com/lolesports Like us on FACEBOOK for important updates: http://www.facebook.com/lolespor...
Vietnam Esports (vetv.vn) là đơn vị duy nhất giữ bản quyền sản xuất toàn bộ giải đấu chuyên nghiệp LMHT tại VN. VETV7 là kênh truyền hình thể thao điện tử trực thuộc Vietnam Esports TV. VETV7 cung cấp toàn bộ các trận đấu chuyên nghiệp LMHT trên toàn thế giới như LCK, LPL, LMS, LCS và VCS A. Hãy subscribe để đừng bỏ lỡ những trận đấu thể thao điện tử hấp dẫn nhất nhé. Để thưởng thức thêm các chương trình thú vị, đặc sắc về eSports, các bạn vui lòng truy cập: http://vetv.vn. VETV sẽ phát sóng trực tiếp trên hệ thống cáp HTV Thể Thao từ thứ 4 đến chủ nhật hàng tuần từ 15h - 18h. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vnesportstv Liên Minh Huyền Thoại Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LienMinhHuyenThoai Trang chủ Liên Minh Huyền Thoại Việt Nam: http://LienMinhHuyenThoai.vn
EU LCS Summer Split Regional Qualifier 2017 #EULCS H2K vs. Splyce Watch all matches of the split here from all of our leagues: NA LCS, EU LCS, LCK Champions Korea, LPL. FULL VOD PLAYLIST - https://www.youtube.com/user/LoLChampSeries/playlists?view=50&shelf;_id=72&sort;=dd You can always learn more and view the full match schedule at http://www.lolesports.com. Join the conversation on Twitter, Follow us @lolesports : http://www.twitter.com/lolesports Like us on FACEBOOK for important updates: http://www.facebook.com/lolesports Find us on INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/lolesports Check out our photos on FLICKR: http://bit.ly/lolesportsFlickr
Vietnam Esports (vetv.vn) là đơn vị duy nhất giữ bản quyền sản xuất toàn bộ giải đấu chuyên nghiệp LMHT tại VN. VETV7 là kênh truyền hình thể thao điện tử trực thuộc Vietnam Esports TV. VETV7 cung cấp toàn bộ các trận đấu chuyên nghiệp LMHT trên toàn thế giới như LCK, LPL, LMS, LCS và VCS A. Hãy subscribe để đừng bỏ lỡ những trận đấu thể thao điện tử hấp dẫn nhất nhé. Để thưởng thức thêm các chương trình thú vị, đặc sắc về eSports, các bạn vui lòng truy cập: http://vetv.vn. VETV sẽ phát sóng trực tiếp trên hệ thống cáp HTV Thể Thao từ thứ 4 đến chủ nhật hàng tuần từ 15h - 18h. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vnesportstv Liên Minh Huyền Thoại Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LienMinhHuyenThoai Trang chủ Liên Minh Huyền Thoại Việt Nam: http://LienMinhHuyenThoai.vn
CLG vs C9 NA LCS Week 1 Day 1 - CLG vs Cloud 9 game 2 lol eSports NA LCS Summer 2017. LoL eSports S7 NA LCS Summer 2017 - Cloud 9 vs CLG Game 2 | League of Legends NA LCS 2017 CLG vs C9 G2 VOD 1080p Full HD. S7 NA LCS Summer 2017 Week 1 playlist: http://bit.ly/NA-LCS-Summer-2017-W1 Second match of Stream 1 - CLG vs Cloud 9 best of 3 Game 2. C9 vs CLG G2 full game in HD 1080p. Cloud 9 Line-up: Ray - top Jarvan IV Contractz - jungle Lee Sin Jensen - mid Syndra Sneaky - ADC Varus Smoothie - support Lulu Counter Logic Gaming Line-up: Darshan - Top Renekton Dardoch - Jungle Gragas Huhi - Mid Orianna Stixxay - ADC Xayah Aphromoo - Support Rakan Patch: 7.10 - Season 7 Game date: 02.06.2017 | 06/02/2017 | June 2nd 2017 Game place: NA LCS Battle Arena Casters: Kobe and Phreak There are more...
EU LCS Summer Split 2017 Semifinals #EULCS Fnatic vs. Misfits Watch all matches of the split here from all of our leagues: NA LCS, EU LCS, LCK Champions Korea, LPL. FULL VOD PLAYLIST - https://www.youtube.com/user/LoLChampSeries/playlists?view=50&shelf;_id=72&sort;=dd You can always learn more and view the full match schedule at http://www.lolesports.com. Join the conversation on Twitter, Follow us @lolesports : http://www.twitter.com/lolesports Like us on FACEBOOK for important updates: http://www.facebook.com/lolesports Find us on INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/lolesports Check out our photos on FLICKR: http://bit.ly/lolesportsFlickr
CLG vs FLY G1 na lcs regionals for Worlds 2017 - CLG vs FlyQuest game 1 Regional Qualifier lol eSports NA LCS Summer 2017. LoL eSports S7 NA LCS Summer 2017 - FlyQuest vs CLG Game 1 | League of Legends NA LCS 2017 CLG vs FLY G1 VOD 1080p Full HD. First match of Stream 1 - CLG vs FlyQuest best of 5 Game 1. FLY vs CLG G1 full game in HD 1080p. FlyQuest eSports Line-up: Balls - Top Kennen Moon - Jungle Jarvan IV Hai - Mid Galio WildTurtle - ADC Twitch Lemonnation - Support Rakan Counter Logic Gaming Line-up: Darshan - Top Dr. Mundo OmarGod - Jungle Sejuani Huhi - Mid Fiora Stixxay - ADC Lucian Aphromoo - Support Thresh Patch: 7.16 - Season 7 Game date: 08.09.2017 | 09/08/2017 | September 8th 2017 Game place: NA LCS Battle Arena Casters: Jatt and Phreak There are more playlists in the pl...
The feeling of hatred i feel about the one i love,
This feeling of hatred which is hurting me,
This feeling i like only you arouse it in me,
Thanks for what i feel for you...Paradoxical love!
Thanks for hurting me,
Thanks to making me survive.
My skull's fracturing above you,
It spurs waves of love in which i was drown,
I open my spirit's doors.
You met me when i was wrong,
I'm sorry for my wrong-doings,
I lost you because of my errors of youth,