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August 21, 2011



Whoa, that is one weird record. I'm trying to imagine somebody dancing in the basement to it, but I just can't manage it.


Oh, no! Now it's stuck in my head. Like, like... scotch ta-a-a-pe. Help!


Thanks for uploading this lovely track!

Bob Storm is my favourite from your collection so far.

Sammy Reed

With everybody knowing about the song-poem world giving "nom-de-whatevers" to singers, maybe this is too easy to throw around, and I understand I may be wrong.
But -
This "Lana Johnidas" sounds to me (who might be wrong, again) a lot like Nita Craig.* Whenever I hear "Scotch Tape" immediately followed by "I Have a Number", there seem to be similarities to me, anyway. One thing they both had was this vibrato when they held a note long enough.

*"Nita Craig" was itself a "nom-de-whatever", her actual name being Nita Garfield.

walter ocner

It makes me want to vomit, but in a good way

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