UN humanitarian team activated in Nepal in wake of severe floods and landslides

The Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) has been activated in Nepal to support response efforts in the aftermath of severe floods that have hit the nation, the office of the United Nations Resident Coordinator in the country has said

Forewarned, forearmed

With the installation and operationalization of Community-Based Flood Early Warning Systems at strategic locations along the Ratu river by the Community-Based Flood and Glacial Lake Outburst Risk Reduction Project, vulnerable communities in areas at high risk of floods have been able to better prepare themselves against disaster

Promoting greater governance: Parliamentarians mull OGP membership

Nepal’s parliamentarians have come together to discuss the potential benefits of joining the Open Governance Partnership, and how it could possibly reinforce the country’s commitment to good governance and help it gain credibility on the international stage

UN RC on post-earthquake reconstruction and role of UN in NRA's newsletter

United Nations Resident Coordinator in Nepal Valerie Julliand talks about the challenges and obstacles that lie in the path of post-earthquake reconstruction in Nepal and around the world--and of the role of the UN in helping the Government of Nepal to tackle these, in an interview in the National Reconstruction Authority's Rebuilding Nepal Newsletter August 2017

EU contributes additional € 1.6 million for Nepal elections

The European Union (EU) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have signed an agreement for an additional € 1.6 million grant as part of the electoral assistance to Nepal to reinforce their cooperation with the Election Commission of Nepal

Parliament goes live!

In an effort to render itself more accessible and accountable to the people, Nepal’s Legislature-Parliament—with assistance from UNDP’s Parliament Support Programme—will be live-streaming sessions on its revamped website and connecting to users through a new mobile app

Government investment in climate change is paying off in Nepal: Support to adaptation leads to increased income for farmers

The investment made by the Government of Nepal to help Nepalese farmers adapt to climate change is having positive impact on the income level of the farmers, new study reports by the Ministry of Agriculture Development, National Disaster Risk Reduction Center, Freedom Forum and UNDP reveal

Nepal’s climate-relevant budget continues upward trend

A Citizens Climate Budget unveiled on 6 August by UNDP and the Freedom Forum shows an increase in government allocations on programmes that seek to address the impacts of climate change

Learn about land: Online Land Terminology dictionary launched

In a context where laws and policies related to land are being developed and amended following the promulgation of the new Constitution, UNDP’s Social Cohesion and Democratic Participation (SCDP) has just launched an online Land Terminology dictionary in an effort to render discussions on land issues more comprehensive and effective and enhance general understanding on the same. Land insecurity and uneven access to ownership have long been a factor in perpetuating poverty and tensions across Nepal, and was a key driver of the 10-year conflict in the country. Today, a decade after the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, land reform continues to be a complex and contentious subject. The initiative is part of Empowering Women for Women (W4W): Access to Land for Sustainable Peace in Nepal, a joint project of UNDP, IOM and UN-Habitat, with financial support from the UN Peacebuilding Fund.

Nepal: Taking action for sustainable development

Learn about the bold actions being taken by the Government and UNDP to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Nepal

Chaudhary Foundation and UNDP join hands to push forth the SDGs in Nepal

Chaudhary Foundation and UNDP in Nepal have just partnered up to undertake joint initiatives to promote and increase awareness on the SDGs, focusing on role of the private sector, and mobilizing stakeholders for the achievement of the Goals.

In mist, rose a paper mill

Poorna Bahadur Gurung found his calling in crafting the coveted lokta paper in a factory he established in scenic Ghandruk, and credits support from the Alternative Energy Promotion Centre as having been vital in upgrading production and raising efficiency

Nepal MPs pledge to strengthen public climate finance processes

Parliamentarians in Nepal have pledged to closely monitor the use of climate finance and help improve the national system to successfully access global funds available to the vulnerable communities for addressing climate change impacts

Reinforcing the link between mental health and human rights

In order to extend the advocacy of the National Human Rights Commission to cover the protection and promotion of the rights of persons with mental disabilities, the NHRC Strategy Plan Support Project under UNDP recently held a workshop geared at better sensitizing human rights defenders and health workers of the Far West

Helping people help each other

As part of its efforts to help earthquake-affected communities in Nepal recover their livelihoods, UNDP’s Community Infrastructure and Livelihood Recovery Programme has been extending support to a number of cooperatives in hard-hit districts such as Nuwakot, in recognition of the role these entities play in affording members the opportunity to help each other rise out of poverty

Hailing the big impact of small business

UNDP celebrated the first Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Day with an exhibition of products made by the micro-entrepreneurs supported by its Micro-Enterprise Development Programme, as a testament to the power of small business

Achim Steiner takes office as UNDP Administrator

The United Nations Development Programme today welcomed Achim Steiner as he begins a four-year term as Administrator of the Organization

Taking up the mantle: From entrepreneurs to local leaders

A number of micro-entrepreneurs supported by UNDP’s Micro-Enterprise Development Programme have successfully participated in the recently-held local elections and come to be role models for others in their community

Scale, quality and access: Policy dialogues on improving TVET in Nepal

At the most recent iteration of ongoing policy consultations on improvements to Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Nepal, stakeholders in Butwal offered a range of views on gaps in the existing TVET policy and potential mitigative interventions

Being off the grid does not mean being powerless

Taking a look at the strides made by UNDP in extending energy access to rural poor people and
in formulating appropriate policies for energy promotion

Two years on, reflections on the Nepal Earthquake and the humanitarian response

UNDP Country Director in Nepal, Renaud Meyer, looks back on the 2015 earthquake and the recovery efforts that followed in its wake

Parched no more

Zero-energy hydrams installed by the Global Environment Facility’s Small Grants Programme and the Center for Rural Technology Nepal have enabled irrigation for the benefit of vegetable farmers in rural Kavre

Yeti Airlines and UN partner for advancing the SDGs in Nepal

Yeti Airlines Domestic Pvt. Ltd. and the United Nations in Nepal have entered into a new partnership for the promotion and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in Nepal. Under the partnership, the UN and Yeti Airlines will collaborate to undertake joint initiatives to raise awareness on the SDGs and mobilize relevant stakeholders and advocate for their contribution to the achievement of the Goals

Building Blocks of Social Ties

The Building Blocks of Social Ties is a compilation of short stories highlighting some of the exemplary social cohesion initiatives in the communities. The publication draws upon experiences and lessons from SCDP’s micro grants support to civil society organizations at the local level.

Pedalling forward

Learning a new skill through a training offered by UNDP and the Nepal Government’s Nepal Climate Change Support Programme (NCCSP) has meant the difference between desperation and hope for Dang’s Kallu Sahi Miya

Released: VR Film Ground Beneath Her, a Window into the Continuing Devastation of Nepal’s 2015 Earthquake

Check out UNDP's new Virtual Reality Film that transports you to life in the hills of rural Nepal, where 14-year-old Sabita and her family struggle to return to the life they knew before the 2015 Nepal Earthquake.

Preachers Promoting Social Harmony

“I am under severe pressure from some fundamentalists who want me to stop collaborating with Muslim Maulanas, Christian pastors and Sikh gurus. But I will not leave my team from the Inter-Religious Network,” said Mahantha Chandra Nath Yogi, a well-known Hindu priest, at an event organized in Neplagunj. “Some extremists dislike our efforts in promoting social cohesion but I will leave no stone unturned to promote social harmony in Banke,” he emphasized.

Brochure: How UNDP supported Nepal in Building Back Better

Two years after the devastating earthquakes of 2015, we take a look at some of the key achievements in UNDP's earthquake response and its contributions to helping Nepal in its recovery

UNDP-piloted EQ-safe housing technologies included in Government catalogue

Two technologies for EQ safe housing piloted by UNDP have been approved by the Government of Nepal and included in the “Catalogue for Reconstruction of Earthquake Resistant Houses Volume II"

A future in sight

UNDP’s Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Programme was able to help visually-challenged Khil Bahadur from Sindhupalchowk acquire both his identity papers and a roof over his head after the earthquake through the Resilient Communities Through Building Back Better project funded by the Humanitarian Aid department of the European Commission

Righting historical wrongs

The National Dalit Commission's Joint Monitoring Group, formed with UNDP support, has helped over 30 families access justice, as well as raising awareness among thousands of Nepalis regarding existing anti-discrimination laws

Rising from the Dust

UNDP's recovery support has enabled micro entrepreneurs in Nepal's Ramechhap rise from the rubble left behind by the devastating earthquakes of 2015

Exclusion and inequality lead to uneven development across Asia and the Pacific: Human Development Report 2016

Disparate progress in South and East Asia and the Pacific due to discrimination towards women, ethnic minorities and populations in remote areas, says UNDP Report

A year in review: UNDP Nepal's achievements in 2016

Taking stock of UNDP Nepal’s key achievements in 2016, in the areas of post-quake recovery, poverty reduction, resilience building & democratic governance and gender & social inclusion

Wheels in motion: UNDP offers free construction counseling and drawing-preparation services for vulnerable households in quake-hit areas

UNDP’s Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Programme—with support from the Japanese government and in collaboration with the Institute of Engineering—has offered free construction counseling and drawing-preparation services to earthquake-affected households in Melamchi to help them build back better

Regional meet on Sustainable Energy for Asia-Pacific LDCs held in Kathmandu

The regional meeting on sustainable energy was aimed at building national leadership in the energy sector, creating stronger multi-stakeholder partnerships to improve access to finance, and reaching out to the poorest and supporting bottom-up approaches

Reversal of fortune: From child soldier to entrepreneur

Although being a minor disqualified her from taking up the options available to other Maoist fighters following the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, Bindu’s return to a normal life and livelihood was paved with help from the UN Interagency Rehabilitation Programme

A step towards better disaster governance: Report on lessons learned from the 2015 earthquake

A new report from the Ministry of Home Affairs—prepared with technical support courtesy of UNDP—provides insight on how overall governance, institutional mechanisms, resource mobilization, capacities, coordination, participation and preparedness for DRR/M can be improved

Nepal’s airports prepare for future natural disasters

A four-day training and assessment programme involving airport authorities, military and humanitarian partners is being held to develop a customized disaster response action plan for Tribhuvan International Airport and Nepalgunj Airport

Rebuilding with the Community After a Disaster: Volunteer Engagement in the 2015 Nepal Earthquake

In the aftermath of the 2015 Nepal earthquake, UN Volunteers were rapidly mobilized from different parts of Nepal to provide vital aid. National UNVs motivated by their longing to help others and contribute to their community were on the front line, reinforcing government-led interventions alongside approximately 300 organizations. This included supporting the UNDP Demolition and Debris Management Project to conduct the structural assessment of damaged buildings and oversee the destruction of structures found to be unsafe. This report documents the participation of the UNVs in two UNDP projects in the disaster-affected sites.

A Common Framework for Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

In order to build a common understanding between Development Partners regarding Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) leading to more effective support to state and non-state actors in the implementation of the “inclusion” vision, this common framework was developed by the GESI Working Group under the Social Cluster of the International Development Partner Group

A life sweetened with honey

How the support of UNDP’s Micro-Enterprise Development Programme offered an entrepreneur in Parbat options for livelihood and a way out of poverty he had never imagined possible

Spreading the word on the SDGs

Refusing to be daunted by her hearing impairment, Anju Gurung—back from attending the Asia Pacific Youth Exchange in Manila as part of a youth action component of UNDP’s ESP—is keen to mobilize young people, including those with disabilities, to proactively contribute to achieving the SDGs

A long-awaited turn-around

For the locals of the village of Gadhi in Surkhet, a UNDP-supported water-supply project has completely altered their prospects, particularly that of women

The future of development cooperation: Engaging with the private sector

The “Role of the Private Sector in the Era of Sustainable Development” conference on 12 December discussed the country’s prospects in achieving in the SDGs and how enterprises and corporations might potentially expedite the process

New dawn: Growing 'black diamonds' in Gairimudi, Dolakha
New dawn: Growing 'black diamonds' in Gairimudi, Dolakha

A group of farmers in the earthquake-stricken settlement of Putalikat in Dolakha’s Gairimudi are set to reap the rewards of commercial farming of large cardamom thanks to a training organized by the District Agriculture Development Office and local NGO ECARDS, and assisted by UNDP's Community Infrastructure and Livelihood Recovery Programme (CILRP)

Supporting Nepal in Building Back Better: UNDP Strategy for Earthquake Recovery Assistance
Supporting Nepal in Building Back Better: UNDP Strategy for Earthquake Recovery Assistance

In the aftermath of the devastating earthquakes of 2015, UNDP has been extending its support to the Government of Nepal to coordinate, plan and manage the recovery and reconstruction processes. In addition to the immediate emergency assistance provided within the first six months, UNDP is further assisting the Government through a comprehensive recovery programme spanning four years. This report presents the UNDP’s strategy with regards to earthquake recovery assistance in Nepal, and the effort therein to systematically address underlying vulnerabilities in order to help the country to return to sustainable development pathways and build back better.

Parliamentarians open informal forum to promote SDGs

Kathmandu Nepal’s parliamentarians have launched an informal forum to promote and implement the agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A follow-up to the Millennium Development Goals, which concluded in 2015, the SDGs comprise long-term development objectives agreed upon by all 193 member-states of...

Persons with Disabilities and Stakeholders Raise their Concerns over Proposed Disability Bill

Kathmandu Persons with disabilities (PWDs) and other stakeholders have suggested new areas for amendment in the proposed Disability Bill. The concerns were put forth to lawmakers at an interaction programme held in Kathmandu on Friday with UNDP’s support. Speaking at the programme, one of the participants, Dr....

Mobilizing People to Adapt to a Changing Climate

In 2013, the Government of Nepal began implementing a National Climate Change Support Programme in 14 remote districts, under the guidance of the Ministry of Population and Environment, and the Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development. Facing longstanding challenges with programme delivery, the Government sought external technical support, opting for UNDP as a partner, given its expertise and long history of engagement in the country. For the first time in Nepal, the programme used a co-financing approach, drawing on financing provided to the Government by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the European Union. The move signals Nepal’s urgent need to adapt to climate change as it strives to graduate from a least developed to a middle-income country by 2022.

Reviving tourism locally

Locals from Briddhim VDC in Rasuwa district provide labour to reconstruct a road vital to tourism