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Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will be relieved by the High Court decision.

High Court gives the green light to Turnbull government's same-sex marriage survey

The Turnbull government's postal vote on same-sex marriage has been given the green light, with the High Court rejecting a legal challenge to the controversial survey just six days before ballots are due to be mailed out to millions of households.

  • by Farrah Tomazin and Michael Koziol

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Senior Gold Coast cop charged with perjury, misconduct

Senior Gold Coast cop charged with perjury, misconduct

A senior policewoman has been charged following an investigation by the corruption watchdog.

'This could be a very serious contempt': Premier slams Pyne's actions
Annastacia Palaszczuk

'This could be a very serious contempt': Premier slams Pyne's actions

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk says her MP is very distressed and feels harassed.

  • by Felicity Caldwell
Planet Labs satellite images taken before, left, and after the latest nuclear test show signs of landslides, the researchers said. (Note: clouds appear in white)

Landslides spotted at North Korea nuclear test site, researchers say

Analysts peering at satellite images of North Korea after the latest nuclear test report disturbing findings.

  • by William Broad
Palmer-linked suits could become titanic 'mega-trial'

Palmer-linked suits could become titanic 'mega-trial'

Outside court, the former politician and embattled tycoon also claimed he had "boosted" the media industry and made news reports more interesting.

  • by Alexandra Patrikios

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Opinion & Perspectives

Sign of the times: one standard for regular people, another for MPs

As your regular, every day, garden-variety human is being forced to hop through more and more hoops to successfully interact with the government, standards appear to be as relaxed as ever for MPs.

Judith Ireland
    Judith Ireland

    What rugby union needs most right now is unity, not an un-civil war

    These last weeks have given us some positive signs that a brighter future for our beloved code beckons. But not without changes.

    Peter FitzSimons
      Peter FitzSimons

      Australia is stuck in its own Utopia: a lot of irrelevant hustle but no progress

      Our static, outdated, parliamentary democracy is no longer working.

      Nicholas Stuart
        Nicholas Stuart

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        The Fitz Files

        What rugby union needs most right now is unity, not an un-civil war

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