
Robert E. Lee Descendant Who Spoke Out Against Racism Quits Church After Being Criticized for Supporting Black Lives Matter

The Rev. Robert W. Lee IV, a direct descendant of the Civil War general whose name has become synonymous with the Confederacy, appeared on television and spoke out against racism and the riots in Charlottesville, Va., that happened during protests about the removal of a statue of his famous ancestor. Now Lee says…

10 Signs You’re One of Those Wack-Ass People Who Don’t Like ‘Bodak Yellow’

Because I’m a weird and curmudgeonly fuck who doesn’t go to clubs and while driving listens only to Waze and Spotify playlists mostly consisting of Kanye and the Inception soundtrack, before last weekend, I’d heard about Cardi B’s “Bodak Yellow” more times than I had actually heard it. By a pretty significant margin,…

NFL Player Michael Bennett Assaulted by Vegas Police After Mayweather-McGregor Fight, Video Shows

Seattle Seahawks defensive end Michael Bennett penned an open letter claiming that he was racially profiled and stopped by Las Vegas police after the Floyd Mayweather-vs.-Conor McGregor fight Aug. 26. According to Bennett’s Twitter post, he was leaving the T-Mobile Arena when he and others in the crowd heard what they…
