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We are now operating in 'virtual' mode, so please address correspondence to:

The Bosnian Institute
PO Box 58835
London SE15 6XL

Our e-mail address is unchanged:

The library is now incorporated in the collections of the National and University Library in Sarajevo. However, its catalogue will continue to be accessible on this website.

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The Destruction of Bosnia's Cultural Heritage
Monday, 16 March, 2015

Karadzic's trial ends, but his legacy lives on
Tuesday, 14 October, 2014

Srebrenica: the world fails, but never one’s own government
Wednesday, 16 July, 2014

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See the latest issue of our magazine for
in-depth features about the region:
Bosnia Report : January - July 2007

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Our library currently holds 3720 books about Bosnia and the region and we have an expanding online bibliography based on our best-selling Books on Bosnia that contains 379 reviews of key works.

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Books on Bosnia  ¦  BI Library

Flag on the Mountain: a political anthropology of war in Croatia and Bosnia by Zanic, Ivo Postcards from the Grave by Suljagic, Emir The Bosnian Church: its place in state and society from the thirteenth to the fifteenth century: a new interpretation by Fine, John

We have run many interesting events over the past few years. See here for details.

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