Keresési eredmények
  1. 2 órával ezelőtt

    When we gather to talk about govt's assault on , journos covering the event shld move beyond Kanhaiya,Shehla,D Raja & Agnivesh!

  2. 5 órával ezelőtt

    : Rights group documents 84 violations against Palestinian media in August

  3. 5 órával ezelőtt
    Válasz neki:

    Did you also condemn the murder of those 3 journos in Bihar? How is different? How do you connect this to ?

  4. 6 órával ezelőtt

    Wow! So US has completed the investigation already and concluded that Lankesh Murder was against . US is fast.

  5. 7 órával ezelőtt

    Press Club of India, banner: IDEAS ARE BULLET-PROOF

  6. 8 órával ezelőtt
    Válasz neki:

    US the country which jailed chelsea manning & is keeping Julian Assange holed up in London, snowden in moscow lecturing abt 😎👎

  7. 8 órával ezelőtt

    Turning the other cheek is no longer an option says

  8. 8 órával ezelőtt

    Dear Amb, condemning a murder is enough. Don't teach us

  9. 8 órával ezelőtt

    A dangerous slope for the future of in , Arrest of director Ayman Al-Qawasimy. Read:

  10. 8 órával ezelőtt

    Look at the way the going for a toss in our country. 🇵🇰 is going up the table.

  11. 8 órával ezelőtt

    Press Club of India is packed, rallying for , mourning murdered journalist

  12. 8 órával ezelőtt

    condemns lankesh murder, expresses concern on Follow updates

  13. 9 órával ezelőtt

    We condemn murder of . Deeply saddened. Heartfelt condolences to her friends/family.

  14. 9 órával ezelőtt

    Do our townhall celebs really worried for ? Have they supported Rajdeo Ranjan, RamChander Chhatrapati family?

  15. 18 órával ezelőtt
    Válasz neki:

    Many Americans don't understand that is a precious tenet that isn't respected in much of the world. Stop w the crap.

  16. 21 órával ezelőtt
  17. szept. 5.

    While murder is abt , it's more abt . Remember Dabholkar, Kalburgi and Pansare werent journalists

  18. szept. 5.

    Restrictions on journalists accessing parliament violates free expression: MLDI files intervention to

  19. szept. 2.

    : 4 journalists in prison 4 years for doing their job . Mohamed Al Adly

  20. szept. 2.

    How do we name and shame the journos? Freedom of press must come with some responsibilities - not at the price of our truth

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