Monday, March 28, 2016



The Yakima Gulag has been feeling the Bern. Yes, we endorse Senator Bernie Sanders for President of the United States of America. Single Payer health care, Free college, no more stupid wars, and the Jewish guy is far less of a Zionist than anyone else running. We personally attended two of his rallies. Key Arena in Seattle, and his Historic visit to the Yakima Gulag. Only 3 presidential candidates EVER have visited the Yakima Gulag. Teddy Roosevelt George W. Bush and Senator Bernie Sanders. If I were a Clinton supporter (..and I really am not...) this really would have turned me. He is a good speaker. He is right on damn near all my issues. With Sanders I don't feel the need to hold my nose as I mark my ballot. I feel good wearing his button. I've donated to his campaign and I am an actual delegate. It's also likelier he'd beat Trump. He'd even beat Kasich. Bernie just HAS to be the Democratic Party's nominee!


Karadzic gets 40 years:

Karadzic got a Guilty verdict and a sentance of 40 years. After all this time it seems so anti-climatic. I've been busy on local matters of importance. I haven't had time to fully process all this.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Missing link;

This link was meant to be in the previous post.

Sunday, January 17, 2016


Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Vanishing Croats:

This is not good news for Bosnia - Hercegovina:

Wednesday, December 09, 2015


Another Mass Grave Revealed:

Ms. Subasic often rode the same bus as I did. She's a nice lady. I am glad someone had the decency and conscience to reveal where this grave was. Repentance does mean something.


A Mass Grave is Revealed:

Blogger is not easy to use on my device. This is part of why I spend so much less time here. I had the page go totally black. Anyway, Munira Subasic was practically a neighbor. We often rode the same bus. I'm glad the man revealed the grave to her. Repentance is a good thing. I'd rather see it than revenge.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


We can hope for better days:

We can hope! Serbia also has done a LOT to help the refugees from Syria. It's commendable because Serbia is not a wealthy country.

Friday, November 06, 2015


Final Election Results:

Yes it's a sweep. One God Ol' Boy left. One decent Republican. Cathy Coffee actually had good ink in the Progressive Voters Guide. She made it. Female majority council. I hope they are sucessful in turning this town around!

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