
Less time on the sidewalk

Starting January, it will become a little bit easier for people who are not in power or under indictment to travel to EU countries from Albania, Bosnia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. Every little bit.

News that's fit to click

It has been about a year, and now the NY Times has decided to abandon its experiment of charging for access to some items. No surprises there: experience has shown that web users are often happy to buy goods and services online, generally willing to tolerate advertising that is not too intrusive, but mostly resist paying for content. Considering that most of the content for which the Times was charging was opinion articles by their columnists, they were faced with the fact that there is plenty of material of better quality available for free.


Do novih pobjeda radničke klase

I have just been informed that the Home Office has reversed its previous decision and decided to issue me an HSMP visa. Next steps: applying for entry clearance, making travel plans, and getting my butt over to my fab new job. After that, I must learn to say things like "flat" and "cor."
