- published: 24 Jun 2015
- views: 5688964
Nein (Arabic: نين, Na'in, lit. Charming, Hebrew: ניין, called in English Bibles Nain or Naim) is an Arab village in Israel that forms part of the Bustan al-Marj Regional Council in the Lower Galilee. Located 14 kilometers (8.7 mi) south of Nazareth, Nein covers a land area of approximately 1,000 dunums. Its total land area consisted of 3,737 dunums prior to 1962. According to the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics, Nein had a population 1,600 in 2005. The city hall for the Bustan al-Marj Regional Council is located in Nein.
Nein lies a short distance from Mount Tabor. A hill known in Arabic as Tell el-Ajul lay on the path that ran between Nein and nearby Indur, an Arab village destroyed in the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. While Edward Robinson describes Nein as lying on the northern slope of a hill called, "the little Hermon," and it is described in biblical guidebooks as lying at the foot of the Hill of Moreh.
Edward Robinson and Eli Smith, who visited Palestine in the mid-19th century, identified Nein as, "the Nain of the New Testament," where, according to the Bible (Gospel of Luke 7:11-17), Jesus raised a young man from death and reunited him with his mother.
Yung Hurn - Nein (Official Video)
Mike Singer - Nein (Offizielles Video)
Hitler NEIN!
The Mine Song but every mine is replaced with NEIN
Sido feat. Doreen - Nein
Angela Merkel Sings Yung Hurn - Nein
Nein, jetzt hältst du die Schnauze! (Remix)
Nein Cat
Hitler says NEIN for 10 minutes
JA NEIN ÄHM CHALLENGE mit Marvyn Macnificent | Fräulein Minzbonbon | Coopa | Eda Vendetta
Nightcore Nein
Nein - Hardcore Remix
Hitler says NEIN! (Remix)
Nein Nein Nein! Ja Ja Ja!
The Nein Song
POLITIK ? Ja, Nein, Vielleicht ?! Interessiert ihr euch für POLITIK ??? Minecraft Bedwars
It's Over NEIN Thousand!!!!
Mike Singer - Nein | Lyrics
Actors: Louis-Jeremy Spieß (producer), Louis-Jeremy Spieß (editor), Louis-Jeremy Spieß (director), Louis-Jeremy Spieß (writer), Sebastian Leitner (producer), Sebastian Leitner (editor), Aleksey Igudesman (actor), Sophia Grabner (actress), Walter Huber (actor), Benjamin Turecek (actor), Nikolai Jegorow (actor),
Genres: Comedy, Short,Durch die Nacht mit Yung Hurn! 'Nein’ ist das erste Musik Video von Yung Hurn’s Mixtape '22' welches Ihr hier downloaden könnt: https://livefromearth.bandcamp.com/releases (FREE DOWNLOAD) No Animals Were Harmed. Swag Overdose. Yung Hurn https://www.facebook.com/yunghurn https://soundcloud.com/yunghurn Live From Earth https://www.facebook.com/livefromearthberlin https://www.facebook.com/maxrueting Directed, filmed & edited by Live From Earth / Max Rüting Instrumental by melo flamez + 2RVR3BEATZ https://soundcloud.com/2rvr3beatz A LIVE FROM EARTH Production 2015 © All Rights Reserved
Das offizielle Musikvideo zum Song „Nein“. Der Singer Song Contest powered by Prinzen Rolle läuft noch bis zum 28. Juli!! Macht mit und bewerbt Euch: Einer von Euch hat die Chance Mike im Studio zu treffen und veröffentlicht mit ihm den Song „Nein feat. DEIN NAME“ in einer Duett Version, der dann digital erhältlich ist! Alle Infos zum Singer Song Contest und Details zur Teilnahme findet ihr hier unter: http://ssc.mike-singer.de. Viel Glück! KARMA - DAS NEUE ALBUM ► hier bestellen: http://wmg.click/MikeSinger_KarmaAY Kanal abonnieren: http://bit.ly/2ficoJw Merchandise: http://www.mikesinger-shop.com/ #KarmaTourReloaded 2017 02.10. CH – Zürich, Komplex 457 03.10. Singen, Stadthalle 05.10. Kiel, Max 06.10. Bremen, Bürgerhaus 07.10. Ulm, Edwin-Scharff-Haus 11.10. München, Backstage ...
Leave a suggestion for what I could do in another video :) e.g. a similar movie scene
fuckd that hitler face up tbh but idc
SIDO - NEIN! FEAT. DOREEN - ICH UND MEINE MASKE PE - ALBUM - TRACK 16 SIDO - ICH UND MEINE MASKE http://amzn.to/1gu84gY http://tiny.cc/x3cvcx AGGRO.TV: http://www.aggro.tv http://www.facebook.com/aggrotv http://www.tiny.cc/aggrotvgoogleplus http://www.twitter.com/aggro_tv AGGRO SHOP: http://www.downstairs.com/aggro AGGROTV APP: http://aggro.tv/index.php/aggro-tv-app/ Exklusiv auf AGGRO.TV
Yung Angie performt den Hit "Nein" von Yung Hurn - (Orignial): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22m5eU6uxeQ Yung Angie performs Yung Hurn's Hit "No". Something else than normal today again - german memes. Hope you like it! Next video is prolly going to be another twitch-related meme video xD Instrumental: https://soundcloud.com/2rvr3beatz/trapped-in-the-anime-world ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Donate so I can buy more Pedigree: https://streamtip.com/t/djkarlthedog The Dog on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DJKarlTheDog The Dog on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/djkarlthedog Check out SoundCloud for various instrumentals: https://soundcloud.com/djkarlthedog Second channel for really random videos: https://www.youtube.com...
Danke an placeboing! https://www.youtube.com/user/placeboing
Ich hoffe euch hat das Video gefallen. Freu mich auf eure Kommentare und einen Daumen hoch. Marvyn's Video: https://youtu.be/6Z7r0CuJOyw Marvyn's Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/user/marvynmacnificent Fräulein Minzbonbon's Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/user/FraeuleinMinzbonbon Coopa's Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdJWjy3zDxUSlxGWgI9u0oQ Anastasia Beverly Hills- Modern Renaissance Kat Von D- Shade & Light Konturpalette Tarte Shape and Tape Concealer Sonnenbrille: ausverkauft Shirts: https://royalteeslondon.co.uk Dior Lipgloss: http://td.oo34.net/cl/?aaid=e0gtpepd6jr55kqv&ein;=3ispkbmtyfg64dqv&paid;=jvvw92ndy199b6ai Um kein Video zu verpassen einfach HIER kostenlos abonnieren: www.youtube.com/EdaVendetta GESCHÄFTLICHE Anfragen : edavendetta@web.de -----------------------...
Nightcore Nein Songtext: Oh Oh oh oh oh oh Lange blonde Haare, hamma Körperbau so steht sie da Ich denke geh mal rüber, sprich sie an, das geht schon klar! Ich zieh mein T-Shirt grade und richte die Frisur, ich la*s die Kette funkeln. Ich hoffe sie sieht die Uhr! Sonnenbrille auf ich seh wie Bruce Willis aus. Ich weiß sie will es auch, sie ist bestimmt ne wilde Sau! Ich hol 2 Drinks und stell mich neben sie, doch sie haut ab, weil sie mir zeigen will, da*s die hautenge Jeans ihr auch pa*st. Ich lauf ihr hinterher, immer hinter ihrem Hintern Ich sag: Ich hab son kribbeln in meinem Bauch! Sie sagt, da*s sei mein Blinddarm. Ich frag sie nachm Date, nur wir 2 ganz privat! Ich will sie mit ner Limousine abholen, doch sie sagt Nein, so geht das nicht! Ich seh dich nic...
WARNING: EAR RAPE?! Using FL Studio, Audacity and Windows Movie Maker, I have made a remix of Adolf Hitler saying NEIN. Disclaimer: I do not own the visual material used in the video nor the vocals.
Wenn euch das Video gefallen hat würde ich mich sehr über eine positive Bewertung freuen. Neues TP 60k : https://resourcepacks24.de/resourcepack/418151 50k PACK : https://resourcepacks24.de/resourcepack/515982 mein Shader: KUDA Art: medium ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Teamspeak: sylvercrew.ddns.net ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ mein altes TexturenPack: http://www.mediafire.com/file/zyaxp4x... ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Server ID: NeruxVace.net ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Musik: hauptsächlich NCS besonderer Track : You Don't Know Me - Arman Cekin ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Banner/Profilbild Designer: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjrl... Intro Designer: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp6z... ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Wenn du noch nicht genug hast...
NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjJESro1HiY
The Scottish capital of Edinburgh is one of the world’s most beautiful cities. Its Old Town and Royal Mile are filled with the ghosts of medieval merchants, body snatchers, and poets, while its Georgian-styled New Town shines with the glories of the Scottish Enlightenment. To see Edinburgh in all her glory, climb to Arthur’s Seat, the highest of the city’s seven peaks. Some historians believe this was the site of King Arthur’s legendary castle Camelot. Nearby, on another volcanic crag, rises Edinburgh Castle, the very symbol of Scotland itself. Over the last eleven centuries, this castle has been laid siege to 26 times but still it stands, a testimony to the indomitable spirit of the Scots. Edinburgh has long held a special place in the hearts of the monarchy. Her Majesty’s Yacht Br...
German for travelers! Lars teaches you key words and phrases in German. Please note: These are just basics for people who would like to know a few words and phrases while traveling. They are broken down into their simplest forms for quick learning. There are some things that are complex and take longer to learn, so please just take this for what it is - quick traveler lingo! Happy travels! We also filmed a video about German culture! https://youtu.be/DKtWQ1LTe-c Lars - INSTAGRAM: lars.salles ______________________________________ WORDS/PHRASES in this video - HELLO: Hallo // HA-LO GOOD MORNING: Guten Morgen // GOOT-EN MORE-GEHN GOOD DAY: Guten Tag // GOO-TEN TAHK GOOD EVENING: Guten Abend // GOO-TEN AH-BENT GOODBYE: Auf Wiedersehen // OWF VEE-DAR-ZAYNE YES: Ja // YAH NO: Nein // NI...
Come join us as we visit Krakow, Poland in this travel guide as we cover the top attractions and best things to do in Kraków in terms of museums, restaurants, shopping, castles and churches worth visiting. From Wawel Castle to the Old Town and Kazimierz to Planty Park you'll find Krakow charming as you meander through its attractive streets and squares. With legendary nightlife, a flourishing food scene and plenty of green space Kraków feels just as much like a city as it does a town. We ended up coming for a week and wanting to stay for an entire month. Krakow truly won us over and in this travel guide I think you'll find out why. 20 Things to do in Krakow City Tour | Poland Travel Guide: Intro - 00:00 1) Wawel Castle (Zamek Królewski na Wawelu) - 00:27 2) Vistula River walk for exe...
Ja, das Wasser ist wirklich so blau. Ja, der Emerald Lake sah auch in echt so wunderschön aus. Nein, wir können es schon jetzt nicht mehr fassen, dass wir vor ein paar Monaten an so unglaublichen Orten waren. Es ist einfach nur wahnsinnig schön dort und Jasper und Banff haben sich ihren Ruf als schönste Ecke Kanadas doch schon irgendwie verdient. Wir sind jedenfalls einfach nur begeistert von dieser beeindruckenden Landschaft. Und das Highlight natürlich: der Bär. Ja, wir sind verbotenerweise angehalten und haben ihn nicht verscheucht, wie man es eigentlich tun sollte aber dafür sind auch tolle Aufnahmen entstanden. Dieses Video ist Anfang Mai entstanden. ________________________ Wir sind Svenja und Finn. Wir haben uns einen Youtube Kanal erstellt, damit wir euch unsere Erlebnisse in K...
Join us as we visit Hong Kong in this travel guide exploring the best 25 things to do in Hong Kong in terms of top attractions, museums worth visiting and restaurants serving up tasty food. Our travels in Hong Kong take us to Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and Lantau Island seeking out green escapes, temples, gardens and monasteries. Some of the top highlights include nightlife in Lan Kwai Fong, a Symphony of Lights show, viewing Hong Kong from high atop Victoria Peak and eating copious amounts of Dim Sum. From futuristic to traditional and from hectic to serene Hong Kong will surely leave a lifelong impression upon you as a visitor. 25 Things to do in Hong Kong City Guide for Foodies: 1) The Peak Tram funicular to Victoria Peak (山頂纜車) - 00:37 2) Victoria Peak on Hong Kong Island for ...
Subscribe to our channel! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=myswitzerland Once again, in our web series on Switzerland, we meet up with our travel investigator, Michael Delaney. In this episode he's in Zürich, searching for something he's sure he won't find in this seriously busy metropolis. Luckily, someone has an extra pink feather boa. Watch the full web series at: http://swissmyths.myswitzerland.com/ Switzerland Tourism is the national marketing and sales organization for Switzerland, the ideal country for travel, vacations and congresses. Learn more about traveling to Switzerland: http://www.myswitzerland.com/ Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MySwitzerland Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MySwitzerland_e
Subscribe for More Daily Videos! • http://bit.ly/JoinTeamPixel My Content Is Intended For A Younger Audience. No Swearing, No Cursing & No Profanity (I might play mature games every now & then with warning) ❤ ✎ This guide / tutorial for Trove explains all the stats you'll need in order to build the Neon Ninja into the fastest dungeon farming class in the game! *While I already had this video uploaded before, tons of people keep asking me to "make a tutorial", so I decided to just re-upload with some better tags. TROVE CLASS GUIDE & TUTORIAL: How to "Build" ALL Classes in Trove Guide ► http://bit.ly/troveclass Trove ALL Class Gem Abilities ► http://bit.ly/2dEI0M8 Class Tutorials ► http://bit.ly/2dz75q7 Scythe's Trove Shadow Hunter "Build" ► https://youtu.be/e8xyJbR5waU ADVANCED GUIDES: T...
Switzerland has four main local languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansh. Of which German, in fact Swiss German, is the most common. Here are our top ten phrases to know in German # 10: if you want to ask directions from somebody, say, "wo ist?" which means "where is" # 9: for goodbye, it is "auf wiedersehen". # 8: if you have reached your destination and you want your taxi driver to stop just, say "halt". "Halt" which means stop. # 7: when you are looking for the bathroom, say "wo ist eine toilette?" which means "where is the bathroom". # 6: if you want to ask the price while shopping, say "wie viel?" which means "how much?". # 5: to ask someone if they speak English use "sprechen zie Englisch?". You might get a reply "Ja" which means "Yes" or "Nein" which mea...
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Come join us as we visit Taipei (臺北市) in this travel guide covering the best 30 things to do in Taipei, Taiwan (中華民國). When it comes to dynamic cities in Asia worth visiting Taipei may be the most underrated. You'll be hard pressed to find a city that offers better street food, night markets and green escapes in the region. With limited time we hit the ground running in Taipei, Taiwan covering restaurants, museums, temples, memorial shrines and shopping areas worth checking out. An absolute must in Taipei is to visit one of the many night markets where you can indulge in Taiwanese street food until you're literally about to explode. It's just that good and that cheap. Overall, it is an inviting city where locals are warm and go out of their way to be kind to visitors. Come find out wha...
Well, welcome to Italy! This week we're exploring the fashion capital of Europe. We're here in Milan. But of course there is more to do in Milan than just go shopping. So we're going to be showing you 20 attractions around town. GEAR WE USE Olympus OM-D E-M5 II: http://amzn.to/1OchS7t Canon G7X: http://amzn.to/1YdjsYX Olympus 14-150mm II Lens: http://amzn.to/1Y79zeM Rode Video Mic GO: http://amzn.to/1WDKtVM Joby Gorilla Pod: http://amzn.to/1PgoY5F SanDisk 16GB Extreme Pro: http://amzn.to/25KEErs SOCIAL MEDIA & TRAVEL BLOGS AUDREY: blog: http://thatbackpacker.com/ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thatbackpacker/ facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thatbackpacker twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatBackpacker SAMUEL: blog: http://nomadicsamuel.com/ facebook: https://www.facebook.c...
Join us for our South African Airways flights from South Africa to Germany flying from Cape Town to Johannesburg and Munich in this travel vlog. With roughly 24 hours worth of door to door transportation we take you on the entire journey including the flights, snacks and ground transportation in Germany to finally arrive at our apartment AirBNB in Munich. Along the way we eat pizza in Cape Town with pinotage red wine and Rooibos tea along with some German baked goods in Munich waiting for our bus ride to Nuremberg. Overall, it was a long journey but we felt relieved to make it Germany with more adventures coming up in Nuremberg soon. GEAR WE USE Olympus OM-D E-M5 II: http://amzn.to/1OchS7t Canon G7X: http://amzn.to/1YdjsYX Olympus 14-150mm II Lens: http://amzn.to/1Y79zeM Rode Video Mic...
Das ist meine Heimat! Kobe, Japan. Die Stadt ist nicht nur für ihr weltberühmtes Beef oder ihren Inspirator Bryant bekannt - NEIN! Die Stadt hat noch viel mehr zu bieten! Ein erster Überblick über einige Spots hier in der wohl schönsten Stadt im Land der aufgehenden Sonne. Meine Vlogging-Cam: http://amzn.to/2mF4h00 Twitter: https://twitter.com/MaxRaspody Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raspody Music used in this video: Tough Love by Joakim Karud http://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud Music provided by Music for Creators https://youtu.be/uyoTyxYFVkY
Many travelers to Cusco use the city as a launching pad to hike the Inca trail, visit Machu Picchu and/or explore the Sacred Valley. With so many travel options just outside of the city it is easy to forget that Cuzco has a lot to offer in and of itself. The following Cusco travel guide is our attempt to showcase what the city has to offer in terms of attractions, things to do, shopping, dining, museums and nightlife. In our opinion, you'll want to budget several days to take it all in and acclimatize to the higher altitude if you're thinking of going on hiking excursions afterwards. Our visit Cusco travel guide covers some of the top attractions including the best in arts, entertainment, museums, nightlife and restaurants. We also cover off-the-beaten-path activities that you won't fin...
When it comes to world class cities in South America few can compete or even compare to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Buenos Aires features pulsating nightlife, distinct neighborhoods (barrios), European architecture and fine dining options. Having a month in the city allowed us to really discover what the city has to offer from its parrillas (steaks), tango, shopping & parks. In this top attractions travel guide to Buenos Aires we cover neighborhoods such as San Telmo, Recoleta, Palermo and La Boca. We eat Buenos Aires food such as empanadas, pizza, asado, milanesa and alfajores. The following is a complete guide from 1-50 including specific timings for each item. Watch it all or skip ahead to an item of interest. GEAR Olympus OM-D E-M5 II: http://amzn.to/1OchS7t Canon G7X: http://amzn.to/1Yd...
Graue Schleier Grosstadtwände
Kalter Stahl in Kinderhände
Blutverschmiert der Schulhofasphalt
Nein - Böses Blut Nur die Stärksten überleben
Geltungsdrang bestärkt ihr Streben
Fressen und Gefressen werden
Wer nicht mitspielt der muss sterben
Nein - Böses Blut
Ausgeburt verletzter Seelen
Die Gewalt als Ausweg sehen