IHEYO Events

Please use the form below to apply for membership in IHEYO.

This application form needs to be signed by two representatives of the board of the organisation on behalf of the whole organisation. Please ensure that the decision to become member of IHEYO is taken formally and democratically within your organisation.

Deadline for applications: 1 week before the General Assembly of IHEYO (kindly refer to announcment).

Please complete…

…this simple online form.

Detailed information

To be admitted as a member organisation, the organisation must agree with IHEYO’s (and IHEU’s) main identity and aims, and be accepted by the IHEYO General Assembly (see bottom part of the form). A majority vote of represented full members at a General Assembly shall be sufficient to admit a member.

Membership options:
  • Full membership is open to Humanist membership organizations with members in the age group 18 to 35. These Humanist organizations must be democratically governed.
  • Associate membership is open to all Humanist associations. Associate members do not have a vote at the General Assembly, but they have speaking rights.
  • IHEYO partners is open to any organisation that relates to IHEYO without undersigning the membership criteria.

What is considered a Humanist organisation?

To be considered a humanist organisation, it is sufficient that the goals of the organization are consistent with IHEYO’s main aims and identity.

Definition of Humanism

Humanism is defined according to the IHEU Amsterdam Declaration of 2002 and the IHEU minimum statement.

What will membership to IHEYO cost?

The General Assembly 2004 decided that from the year 2005 onwards, membership in IHEYO will cost annually

  • Full member organisation with less than 1,000 members: 50 EUR
  • Full member organisation with more than 1,000 members: 75 EUR
  • Full member organisation with more than 3,000 members: 100 EUR
  • Associate members 25 EUR annually

If any organisation/member cannot pay the stipulated fees, the organisation has to formally state why they are unable and the executive committee of IHEYO can then decide on the possibility to waive the fee.

To be considered for membership, please send:

  1. the digital/online application form, signed by two legal representatives of your association;
  2. your organisation’s By-Laws/constitution;
  3. a list of current boardmembers or officers;
  4. a statement of official registration within your country;
  5. an overview of activities (i.e. your latest Annual Report as well as your current Action Plan);
  6. and a letter of motivation.