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Our Members

The Board is responsible for managing IHEU in accordance with the Bylaws, the Internal Rules and the policies and directives of the General Assembly. The Board members are elected by the General Assembly, and are Directors and Trustees of IHEU.

The Board has a directly-elected President, a Vice-President, and a Treasurer. The term of office of Board members is three years. All Member Organizations may nominate individuals to positions on the Board and each candidate must be a member of an IHEU Member Organization, or an Individual Supporter of IHEU.

The Board as of the General Assembly, 2017 is:

Andrew Copson (UK), President
Andrew joined the IHEU Board in 2010 and has been serving as President since 2015. He has been Chief Executive of the British Humanist Association since January 2010, following five years coordinating the BHA’s work in education and public affairs. Andrew writes, talks and campaigns on Humanism and humanist topics extensively. He is a former director of the European Humanist Federation (EHF) and former head of the IHEU delegation to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. Andrew studied Classics and Ancient and Modern History at the University of Oxford.
Anne-France Ketelaer (Belgium), Vice-president
Anne-France is Chief Executive of (the Flemish Belgian Humanist Organization) and vice-president of IHEU. She studied Law at the Free University of Brussels (the Humanist University of Belgium) and started her career as a teacher in non-confessional humanist education. In 1989 she became a Legal Advisor for and in 1998 she was appointed as Vice-Chief Executive. In June 2016 she was promoted to Chief Executive of Her goal is to reinforce humanism and its importance on a regional, national and international level.
Roar Johnsen (Norway), Treasurer
Roar Johnsen (62) is a senior consultant and project manager in IT Service Management in Norway. He has been a volunteer with the Norwegian Humanist Association (NHA) since 1979, serving in numerous positions, including President of NHA. He has been active in international Humanist work since 1982, and has served on the IHEU Board since 2006.
Kato Mukasa (Uganda), Board Member
Kato Mukasa trained as an entrepreneurship Economist and Lawyer. He is the founding Chairperson of the Humanists Association for Leadership, Equity and Accountability ( HALEA) started in 2008, past Chair of the African Working Group of IHEYO and currently the Chair of the Uganda Humanists Association (UHASSO), Director Legal Services and Humanists Ceremonies at HALEA and Director at Pearl Vocational Training College where he trains students in Humanists studies that include Critical Thinking, Humanism and an Introduction to Humanists Ceremonies.
Uttam Niraula (Nepal), Board Member
Mr. Uttam Niraula (32) is a founder of Society for Humanism (SOCH) Nepal. Executive Director of SOCH Nepal. He has formed an alliance against improper customary practices in 31 districts of Nepal. He also runs a Humanist High school in Nepal with about 600 students. He is a journalist and small businessman too. He served IHEYO (International Humanist and Ethical Youth Organization) as a vice president and communication officer in the past.
David Pineda (Guatemala), Board member
Founder and president of Humanistas Guatemala, formerly know as Asociación Guatemalteca de Humanistas Seculares (AGHS), he is an engineer and entrepreneur. David started questioning his catholic upbringing since his early teen years, and finally gave up all supernatural beliefs at age 19 while studying science subjects in college. In 2012 he started working with a small group to eventually found Guatemala Humanists. He loves nature, reading and snakes. He believes in human solidarity and the exchange of ideas. He works to make a positive change in the world.
Rebecca Hale (USA), Board member
Gulalai Ismail (Pakistan), Board member
Rein Zunderdorp (Netherlands), Board member


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