Making old coal new again

Alan Finkel – and a growing number of other market players – are finally offering an alternative to the great fight over ...
Alan Finkel – and a growing number of other market players – are finally offering an alternative to the great fight over coal. Daniel Munoz

Suddenly, everyone wants to talk about … baseload power. After years of being derided as "fossil fuels" supposedly headed straight to extinction, coal and gas have now been resurrected as the latest policy fashion for 2017.

That's because the appeal of ever more renewable energy has run headlong into the practicalities of dealing with customers outraged by higher electricity prices and new concerns about security of supply.

With so many households and businesses demanding an immediate "fix", energy policy is now a major political drama. Not that there are any easy fixes for a mess that has been years in the making.

But Malcolm Turnbull and the Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg keep emphasising that coal has an extremely important role to play in Australia's energy future, for example. That was always true, of course, given that coal generation still powers more than two thirds of Australia's electricity market.

For a while, though, even the Coalition was a little shy about promoting the continuing role of coal given the popularity of renewables and general negativity about "dirty" coal and "big polluters". Labor was even more torn between its own union base supporting as much coal as possible and other supporters wanting coal closed down yesterday. So far, the renewables push has been stronger internally – as evidenced by Labor's renewable energy target of 50 per cent by 2030 – but rising consumer bills are now translating into political cost.

This tension has come to a head over the last year – epitomised by the blackouts in South Australia last September and the narrow escape of a power shortage in NSW last summer.

Optimistic about  report 

With gas prices also crippling many Australian businesses, questions about how a gas and coal rich country got itself into such a dilemma have become much more pointed.

After the South Australian blackout, Frydenberg asked Australia's Chief Scientist Alan Finkel for a report into what had gone wrong in the national energy market and what could be done. As Professor Finkel told an Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce lunch in Sydney on Tuesday, it was a crisis too good to waste.

"Everyone wants to see the system get well again," he said. But how?

Professor Finkel is actually sounding optimistic about the fate of his report given 49 of its 50 recommendations, many of them technical in nature but common sense in evolution, have been accepted by all governments.

That still leaves open one key recommendation for what is politely called an "orderly transition" – including a clean energy target. Turnbull and Frydenberg are trying to figure how to finesse the Abbott-led opposition (as opposed to the Labor-led opposition) on this.

Liberal conservatives and Nationals are pushing new coal-fired power stations to be included in any "transition" – particularly if it's a taxpayer-subsidised scheme. This is despite the lack of private-sector interest in investing in coal projects whose economic case is based on returns over a 50-year life.

Finkel says there's too much project risk as well as policy risk, including the eight years at best to start one and uncertain long-term returns given unknown demand levels and technology change over the next half century. Of course, if the government wants to do this, he adds tactfully, good luck to it.

But he – and a growing number of other market players – are finally offering an alternative to the great fight over coal. That involves encouraging investment to upgrade and renovate existing coal-fired generators to extend their lives by another decade or so, saying this is "perfectly consistent with his recommendations".

Increasing efficiency 

It doesn't have the same wow factor for either the "renewables-now" or the "coal-forever" lobbies but it's a much quicker and cheaper alternative – proving increasingly attractive to the government.

Turnbull revealed on Tuesday the government is already negotiating with AGL to extend the long life of the massive Liddell power station in NSW by five years. This was supposed to close in 2022, creating even more difficulties in terms of price and supply than the recent closure of Hazelwood in Victoria. Keeping it open might complicate AGL's ad campaign about moving away from coal but the price might be worth it.

Naturally, the details of who would fund this sort of investment/incentive will no doubt be a matter of yet more argument. But it's not as if the current policy has been cheap for anyone.

What is appealing, in Finkel's view, is the prospect of more generators investing hundreds of millions of dollars in renovations to both reduce emissions by increasing efficiency and add on several years of viable life. This would also allow valuable time for the technology of renewable energy and batteries to fall further in price while increasing in efficiency.

According to GE analysis, global CO₂ emissions from ageing coal and gas power plants could be cut by 10 per cent using new technology to improve efficiency. In Australia's case, potential reduction would be 10 per cent for gas and 12 per cent for coal. Clearly, the impact would vary according to each plant but this would avert some of the worse political and commercial problems associated with building new.

GE pointedly notes the government's Emissions Reduction Fund didn't allow coal and gas-fired generators to access any of the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies despite the potential for reduced emissions at lower average cost per tonne of abatement.

Finkel argues countries that are best managing the integration of emissions reductions and electricity markets have a strategic approach lacking in Australia. Worse, he says, any policy developed is torn up again whenever there is a change of government.

He hopes this might now change. That's the sound of a non-politician speaking.