30 August 2017

As Trump gloats over “success” of government response to Hurricane Harvey
Reservoir breaches in Houston threaten more death and destruction

By Kate Randall, 30 August 2017

While floodwaters continued to rise in Houston, Governor Abbott and President Trump traded praises on the wonderful work they were doing in the Harvey disaster.

The Houston flood disaster: A social crime of the American oligarchy

Government negligence exacerbates Hurricane Harvey damage in Houston, Texas

Houston residents speak out on historic flooding from Hurricane Harvey

Trump threatens North Korea with war

By Peter Symonds, 30 August 2017

By declaring “all options are on the table,” Trump effectively ruled out strong hints last week that a peaceful solution to the standoff could be found.

Amid high tensions, North Korea fires intermediate-range missile over Japan

Australian government offers to send troops to the Philippines

By Mike Head, 30 August 2017

Confronting a deepening political crisis at home, Malcolm Turnbull is seeking to don the mantle of a wartime prime minister.

Judge quashes lawsuit by Sanders supporters against DNC

By a reporter, 30 August 2017

The civil suit charged the Democratic National Committee and its then-chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, with rigging the contest for the party’s presidential nomination.

Serious outbreaks of syphilis and hepatitis underscore social crisis in America

By Genevieve Leigh, 30 August 2017

Among drug users and the homeless in the US, diseases such as syphilis and hepatitis are making a dangerous comeback.

GM Cami workers authorize strike in Canada

By Carl Bronski, 30 August 2017

Workers voted by 99.8 percent to walk out if a new labour agreement is not reached by September 17.

German court issues draconian ruling against Hamburg G20 protester

By Katerina Selin, 30 August 2017

A 21-year-old man from the Netherlands was sentenced to a term of two years and seven months imprisonment because he allegedly threw two empty glass bottles at a police officer.

German government raids and shuts down left-wing Indymedia site

Germany: Policeman and lawyer conspire to murder left-wing politicians

By Sven Heymanns, 30 August 2017

Despite the serious nature of the allegations, the prosecutor's office has failed to issue a warrant for the arrest of the two accused.

Corbyn and Labour backtrack on Brexit

By Chris Marsden, 30 August 2017

The Financial Times welcomed Labour’s support for continued membership of the European Union Single Market, saying that it put the party “firmly on the side of business.”

Unions help Caterpillar restructure with closure of Belgian operations

By Ross Mitchell, 30 August 2017

The Caterpillar plant in Gosselies was the biggest industrial site in Wallonia, Belgium’s southern, primarily French-speaking region.

Sri Lanka’s port deal with China increases concerns in US and India

By Vijith Samarasinghe, 30 August 2017

The US has been pursuing a military and strategic buildup against China and wants Sri Lanka kept in its orbit.

Burmese military steps up brutal crackdown on Rohingya Muslims

By Kayla Costa, 30 August 2017

Nobel laureate Suu Kyi has defended the military from foreign criticism, blocked proposals for limited UN investigations and expanded the army’s powers.

Australian property bubble fuelling mortgage stress

By Oscar Grenfell, 30 August 2017

The divergence between soaring property prices and stagnating wages, along with a massive increase in debt, has sparked fears of a housing market crash.

New in French

Au milieu de fortes tensions, la Corée du Nord tire un missile de moyenne portée au-dessus du Japon

Par Peter Symonds, 30 août 2017

Les commandants militaires américains et sud-coréens auraient convenu d’une réponse dure et rapide, y compris des « mesures militaires » pour démontrer « la forte volonté de l’alliance ».

Le désastre des inondations de Houston : un crime social de l’oligarchie américaine

Par Barry Grey, 30 août 2017

Les catastrophes telles que l’ouragan Harvey sont le produit d’un demi-siècle de négligence des infrastructures de l’Amérique et de l’accumulation faramineuse de richesses par quelques particuliers tout en haut de la société.

New in Spanish

Estalla la indignación contra la guerra y la complicidad del gobierno con el terrorismo en manifestación en Barcelona

Por Alex Lantier, 30 agosto 2017

Los manifestantes abuchearon al rey y denunciaron la venta de armas españolas a Medio Oriente por ayudar al Estado Islámico, que organizó el atentado del 17 de agosto en Barcelona.

Podemos se une a una coalición regional en España con el Partido Socialista

Por Paul Mitchell y Alejandro López, 30 agosto 2017

Podemos es indistinguible del PSOE en cómo persigue el poder a través de las instituciones burguesas y sobre un programa procapitalista y una política exterior imperialista.

El indulto de Trump al exsheriff de Arizona: una luz verde para la violencia y la represión contra los inmigrantes

Por Kevin Martinez y Patrick Martin, 30 agosto 2017

El indulto al exsheriff Joe Arpaio, encontrado culpable de detener ilegalmente a inmigrantes, pretende dar un empujón a elementos de tendencia fascista como los que se amotinaron en Charlottesville.

New in German

SGP verurteilt Verbot von „linksunten.indymedia“

Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, 30. August 2017

Das Verbot von „linksunten.indymedia“ ist ein grundlegender Angriff auf die Meinungsfreiheit und schafft einen Präzedenzfall für die Unterdrückung jeder sozialen und politischen Opposition.

Drakonisches Urteil gegen G20-Demonstranten

Von Katerina Selin, 30. August 2017

Ein 21-jährigen Mann aus den Niederlanden wurde zu einer Freiheitsstrafe von zwei Jahren und sieben Monaten verurteilt, weil er zwei leere Glasflaschen gegen einen Polizisten geworfen und sich der Festnahme widersetzt habe.

Gipfeltreffen in Paris:
EU plant Haftlager für Migranten in Libyen

Von Alex Lantier, 30. August 2017

Auf dem Gipfel wurde die Frage diskutiert, wie hunderttausenden Flüchtlingen das Recht auf Asyl verweigert und ihnen der Weg von Afrika nach Norden durch Libyen über das Mittelmeer nach Europa verbaut werden kann.

Flutkatastrophe in Houston
Ein Verbrechen der amerikanischen Oligarchie an der Gesellschaft

Von Barry Grey, 30. August 2017

Hurrikan Harvey wird zur Katasrophe, weil die soziale Infrastruktur Amerikas im letzten halben Jahrhundert stark vernachlässigt wurde, während die Eliten der Gesellschaft unvorstellbare Privatvermögen angehäuft haben.

Professor Sean McMeekin bastelt eine Geschichtslüge (Teil II)

Von David North, 30. August 2017

Sean McMeekin, Professor am Bard College, wärmt die Verleumdung wieder auf, Lenin sei ein Agent des deutschen Imperialismus gewesen. Dabei verfälscht er bewusst die Ergebnisse der historischen Forschung, die den Mythos vom „deutschen Gold“ widerlegen.

Diese Woche in der Russischen Revolution
Bolschewiki erhalten großen Zulauf

30. August 2017

Während die Unterstützung für die Bolschewiki wächst, wendet sich die herrschende Klasse immer stärker von Kerenski ab und stattdessen Kornilow zu. Der zaristische General schmiedet Pläne, durch einen Militärputsch eine konterrevolutionäre Diktatur zu errichten.

New in Turkish

Google’a açık mektup: İnternet sansürünü durdurun! Dünya Sosyalist Web Sitesi’ni kara listeye almaya son verin!

David North, 29 Ağustos 2017

Solcu web sitelerine ve özellikle WSWS’ye yönelik sansür, gerçek bir sosyalist perspektifin, adil bir söz hakkı tanındığında, ABD’de ve dünya çapında geniş bir izleyici kitlesi bulacağından duyulan korkuyu yansıtmaktadır.

Berlin Türkiye karşıtı ajitasyonu yoğunlaştırıyor

Johannes Stern, 29 Ağustos 2017

Berlin ile Ankara arasındaki siyasi ilişkiler, Alman politikacıların Türkiye hükümetine yönelik histerik suçlamalarının ortasında daha da kötüleşiyor.

Other Languages


The Houston flood, the anarchy of the capitalist market and the case for socialist planning

30 August 2017

Twelve years after Katrina, nothing has been done to strengthen flood control systems and build up the social infrastructure to limit the impact of major storms.

Earlier Perspectives »

Mehring Books

New from Mehring Books
Why Study the Russian Revolution?
Volume I: The February Revolution and the Development of Bolshevik Strategy

28 August 2017

One hundred years after the Russian Revolution, the events of 1917, their consequences and their lessons retain a burning contemporary relevance.

Google Censorship

An open letter to Google: Stop the censorship of the Internet! Stop the political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site!

25 August 2017

David North, chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site, has sent the following open letter to Google executives Sundar Pichai, Lawrence Page, Sergey Brin and Eric Schmidt.

Sign the petition and share it as widely as possible through email, online forums, and social media.

Watch: Stop online censorship!

More on Google Censorship »

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
August 28 – September 3: Surge in support for the Bolsheviks

28 August 2017

As mass support for the Bolsheviks grows, the ruling classes are deserting Kerensky, throwing their support instead behind the tsarist general Kornilov, who is plotting to establish a counterrevolutionary dictatorship by means of a military coup.

Professor Sean McMeekin revives discredited anti-Lenin slanders (Part I)

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »


Ingrid Goes West and Wind River: Hardly scratching the surface

By Joanne Laurier, 30 August 2017

Two current films, Ingrid Goes West, a cautionary tale about social media, and Wind River, a murder investigation near a Native American reservation, skirt around significant issues.

Logan Lucky: Steven Soderbergh returns from retirement

By David Walsh, 26 August 2017

Randy Newman and the problems of Dark Matter


Trump orders resumption of military supplies to local police

By Patrick Martin, 29 August 2017

Trump pardons former Arizona Sheriff: A green light for anti-immigrant violence and repression

The Canadian NDP and the Libyan war: Niki Ashton is a liar

By Roger Jordan, 29 August 2017

DreamHost ordered to hand over data on anti-Trump website: The criminalization of political dissent

By Joseph Kishore, 26 August 2017

The Grenfell Fire

Interview with rapper El Nino about “Grenfell Tower’s Burning”: “We had to watch that, so why shouldn’t they have to listen to us?”

By Paul Bond, 28 August 2017

UK: Salford residents challenge Labour Council over fire risks revealed by Grenfell Tower

By our reporters, 29 August 2017

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

Workers Struggles

Striking Toronto baggage handlers reject offer, continue job action
Workers Struggles: The Americas

29 August 2017

The workers voted down a proposed contract offer very similar to one they had previously rejected.

Ford workers speak out against sexual harassment, UAW corruption

By our reporters, 28 August 2017

“Everyone high up in the UAW must have known what was going on”
US autoworkers react to new UAW corruption indictments

Pseudo-lefts lament United Auto Workers defeat in Nissan vote

More on auto workers struggles »

CSX worker in Tennessee seriously injured due to cutbacks
Railroads push cost-cutting and contract concessions

By Jeff Lusanne, 25 August 2017


1917: The Great Strike—an engrossing exhibition about mass walkouts in wartime Australia

By Elle Chapman and Richard Phillips, 24 August 2017

Australian history curator Laila Ellmoos discusses 1917: The Great Strike with the WSWS

Australia’s 1967 referendum, fifty years on

By Richard Phillips, 23 August 2017

International Amazon Workers Voice

Protests against Amazon’s bid to seize land from historic African-American community in Virginia

By Nick Barrickman and Alex González, 21 August 2017

Amazon to seize the land of freed slaves’ descendants to lay power lines

Working life at a Pittsburgh Amazon warehouse

By Samuel Davidson, 10 August 2017

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook

Amazon and the CIA: a match made in hell
Part One: Amazon cashes in on war crimes and mass surveillance

Maruti Suzuki

Sri Lankan free trade workers express solidarity with framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers in India

By our reporters, 1 August 2017

Aisin Automotive workers in India’s Haryana state face a new company-government witchhunt

Five years since company-provoked incident used to frame up Maruti Suzuki workers

The Maruti Suzuki frame-up and the history of international labor defense campaigns

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »