- published: 25 Apr 2016
- views: 15
Dude Perfect is a sports entertainment group who got their start on YouTube. Most known for their trick shots, they are also involved in comedy with their "Stereotypes" series, in which they poke fun at common stereotypes, mostly in the sports world. The group consists of the twins Coby and Cory Cotton, Garrett Hilbert, Cody Jones, and Tyler Toney who are all former high school basketball players and college roommates at Texas A&M University.
The group commented that their shots typically relied more on American football skills than basketball.
The group was betting on sandwiches via basketball shots in their backyard, which were eventually recorded on camera, and a video of trick shots at Toney's ranch was eventually released on YouTube. Within a week, the video received 100,000 views. When asked about the name, Toney stated,
Afterwards, a trick shot video from the Christian summer camp Sky Ranch was released, which, as of June 2015, has over 13.9 million views. For every 100,000 views the video received, Dude Perfect pledged to sponsor a child from Compassion International. Afterwards, ESPN's E:60 contacted the group for a segment, and on the third floor of Texas A&M's Kyle Field, Toney converted a shot, which traveled 3.9 seconds, which was a world record at the time. The shot prompted television appearances on ESPN's First Take, Pardon the Interruption, Around the Horn and SportsNation. Eventually, Dude Perfect introduced the Panda mascot, who "developed a cult following at A&M basketball games" when taunting players of the opposing team.
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They are the highflying, gravity-defying, trick-shot-making men behind the YouTube channel. Check out this interview with basket ball trick shot and extreme sports internet stars, Dude Perfect. SUBSCRIBE for the latest news and updates from ABC News ► http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=abcnews Watch more news stories from ABC News! Feel Good ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVGAI8o5i4o&list;=PLQOa26lW-uI-OGtGrSH3xPaGciCMevaww Pop Culture and Entertainment News ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=we333Q-VS80&list;=PLQOa26lW-uI9C-A4y3bdC9ri4pDFzwe57&index;=1 Follow ABC News across the web! Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/abcnews Twitter: http://twitter.com/ABC Instagram: https://instagram.com/ABCNews/ From the uplifting to the upworthy, ABC News has gathered the best ...
Dude Perfect takes on one of their toughest challenges yet...an extreme Pop-A-Shot battle against the amazing Ricardo...Hosted by Jimmy Kimmel http://www.DudePerfect.com http://www.Facebook.com/DudePerfect http://www.Twitter.com/DudePerfect
Get to know Dude Perfect's Tyler Toney! See more of him during the premiere of The Dude Perfect Show Thursday, April 14 at 9/8c on CMT. SUBSCRIBE to CMT: http://at.cmt.com/uXvwn FOLLOW CMT: Facebook: http://at.cmt.com/uXwBK Twitter: http://at.cmt.com/uXwGj Instagram: http://at.cmt.com/uXx1Q CMT.com: http://at.cmt.com/YZTio Add CMT on SNAPCHAT: CMT About The Dude Perfect Show: Dude Perfect has pushed the limits of what is possible on the Internet. What began as a backyard bet, has evolved into the No. 1 sports channel on YouTube, captivating millions of fans from around the globe. In this show, you'll meet the five guys behind the viral magic. Tyler, the bearded guy. Cody, the tall one. Garrett, the purple hoser. Coby and Cory, the twins. Operating from their DP headquarters in F...
If you're new, Subscribe! → http://bit.ly/subscribe-to-looper Trick-shot artists Garrett Hilbert, Cody Jones, Tyler Toney, and twins Coby and Cory Cotton make up a little group known as Dude Perfect, and they have one of the biggest channels on YouTube. Dude Perfect is now so big that their channel now has even more subscribers than the the NFL, NBA, MLB, and NHL combined. They have their own television show on CMT, they're sponsored by a wide range of major companies, and they even have their own crazy trick-shot factory in Frisco, Texas. They've transformed themselves into one of the most successful brands to come from YouTube...but it all started as five college roommates hanging out in their backyard... Tyler Toney | 0:45 Garrett Hilbert | 2:32 Coby and Cory Cotton | 3:40 Cody Jones ...
SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/MrMcCruddenMichael WEBSITE: http://www.MichaelMcCrudden.com Science FACTion Show: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClG37oYsvhaKU-qtD7JiwMA Before Dude Perfect would have high profile guests like Russell Wilson, Paul Rudd, Serena Williams, luke brown, odell beckham jr in their videos. Before they would break world records with their impossible stunts, gaining 9.7 million youtube subscribers, 17 million facebook fans, and Before the 5 friends and a panda became national sensations, getting endorsements from Nerf, Marvel, Bass Pro Shops, Fiat, and Pringles. Before their video game was downloaded over 17 million times, letting their fans rack up points doing trick shots. These five friends were all brought up in Texas and along with shooting hoops they spe...
Get to know Dude Perfect's Cory Cotton! See more of him during the premiere of The Dude Perfect Show Thursday, April 14 at 9/8c on CMT. SUBSCRIBE to CMT: http://at.cmt.com/uXvwn FOLLOW CMT: Visit CMT.COM: http://at.cmt.com/uXwLt Like CMT on FACEBOOK: http://at.cmt.com/uXwBK Follow CMT on TWITTER: http://at.cmt.com/uXwGj Follow CMT on INSTAGRAM: http://at.cmt.com/uXx1Q Add CMT on SNAPCHAT: CMT About The Dude Perfect Show: Dude Perfect has pushed the limits of what is possible on the Internet. What began as a backyard bet, has evolved into the No. 1 sports channel on YouTube, captivating millions of fans from around the globe. In this show, you'll meet the five guys behind the viral magic. Tyler, the bearded guy. Cody, the tall one. Garrett, the purple hoser. Coby and Cory, the twi...
Dude Perfect, who you may know as YouTube's #1 sports channel, visited Toronto to shoot some hoops with some young fans. They gave me a few minutes to talk to them about YouTube, the Dallas Stars, and what future videos they have in store!
Dude Perfect and their World's Longest Basketball Shot at Kyle Field are featured on ESPN First Take. 3 Steps to AWESOMENESS! #1 SUBSCRIBE to Dude Perfect here on YouTube! http://bit.ly/DudePerfect #2 LIKE Dude Perfect on Facebook! http://fb.me/DudePerfect #3 PLAY the Dude Perfect iPhone Game! http://bit.ly/DudePerfectGame
Steve Hartman takes a trip to Aggieland to see the Dude Perfect crew in action. Hang out with us here! http://facebook.com/DudePerfect http://twitter.com/DudePerfect