
Does Freedom of Speech Include Fascists?

Protest against Gerald K Smith in Minneapolis, 1946

Martin Glaberman's 1945 response to Judah Dob of the Socialist Party, who had been arguing against anti-fascist pickets.

inspiration haïtienne - article originellement publié en anglais pour le bicentenaire de la révolution haïtienne

Tout d’abord publié dans le magazine Radical Philosophy ( ) ce court essai de Peter Hallward explore le pouvoir ainsi que la signification de la révolution haïtienne pour nous maintenant.

Vogelfrei. Migration, deportations, capital and its state

Blockade of the railways at Idomeni

The publication of our pamphlet entitled Vogelfrei. Migration, deportations, capital and its state aims at contributing to the analysis and critique of the politics of the EU and the Greek state on the control and biopolitical management of migration from a proletarian standpoint.

On the ecology of capitalism - Antithesi

Northwest Passage Sea Ice Melting


  1. The law of value and nature as non-value
  2. The estrangement of society from nature
  3. The metabolic rift
  4. Free appropriation (plunder) of the elements of natural wealth
  5. On the "limits to growth", the "steady-state economy", the concept of "sustainable development" and other capitalist ideologies
  6. Struggles against the capitalist plunder of nature
  7. In place of an epilogue

Anarchism and anarcho-syndicalism: selected writings by Marx, Engels and Lenin

Marx and Bakunin

A collection of writings of Marx, Engels and Lenin on anarchism and anarcho-syndicalism, published by Progress Publishers.

No justice, no piece! A working girl's guide to labor organizing in the sex industry

Book cover

A manual created by the Exotic Dancers Union in San Francisco from their experiences organizing a union at the Lusty Lady strip club in 1997. A valuable book both for those organizing sex workers and workers in general. A good overview of the NLRB election process, but also general tips on organizing and direct action.

Anti-Bolshevik communism – Paul Mattick

Anti-Bolshevik Communism by Paul Mattick

A collection of works by Paul Mattick. Communism aims at putting working people in charge of their lives. A multiplicity of Councils, rather than a big state bureaucracy is needed to empower working people and to focus control over society. Mattick develops a theory of a council communism through his survey of the history of the left in Germany and Russia. He challenges Bolshevik politics: especially their perspectives on questions of Party and Class, and the role of Trade Unions.

An “entirely different” kind of union: the Service, Office, and Retail Workers’ Union of Canada (SORWUC), 1972–1986 – Julia Smith


An in depth article which examines the Service, Office, and Retail Workers’ Union of Canada (SORWUC), an independent, grassroots, socialist-feminist union that existed from 1972 to 1986. They organised workers in marginalised, low-paying, largely female-dominated sectors that weren’t high priorities for the much larger business unions.

This article was published in the Canadian academic journal Labour/Le Travail, vol. 73, in 2014.

Militancy: highest stage of alienation - Part 2

Le Militantisme : stade suprême de l'aliénation

Published in France 2 years after part 1, part 2 puts part 1 in into the political context it was published in and expands on its themes.

Dormant Seeds of 1848- John Hewetson

John Hewetson's analysis of the important lessons of the uprisings that threatened the rulers of Europe in 1848.

From A Hundred Years of Revolution: 1848 And After, edited by George Woodcock (Porcupine Press, London, 1948)