
The Event

The Thematic Social Forum on "Dignity, Democracy and Diversity" is being held in Hyderabad as part of the process of the World Social Forum, 2016, which is to be held in Montreal, Canada.



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A Glimpse of WSF 2004

   The fourth WSF was held in Mumbai, India, from 16 January to 21 January 2004. It was the first meeting of the World Social Forum held outside Brazil and its success has encouraged the WSF to expand in scope across the global South. Some credit it with inspiring the Asian Social Forum held in November of that year. The attendance was expected to be 75,000 and it shot over by thousands. The cultural diversity was one notable aspect of the forum. A notable decision that was taken was the stand on free software. One of the key speakers at the WSF 2004 was Joseph Stiglitz. In contrast to earlier meetings, which had focused more on Euro-centric political intellectualism, the 2004 meeting included marches, as well as colorful and lively demonstrations. Indian activists were also very active in using this time to educate others about the issues of caste, class and religious conflict in India. The 2004 meeting also saw the convening of the General Assembly of the Global Anti-War Movement, an idea that originated from the Asian Social Forum in November 2003, and broadly coalesced in response to the invasion of Iraq by the United States in 2003. The Assembly had few activists from the United States, but overwhelmingly tried to articulate that they opposed the policy, and not the country itself. The former director-general of UNESCO, Federico Mayor Zaragoza, said at the Forum, "We must state it clearly. We must say to President Bush that we do not agree with the way he controls the world. We must tell him that he has to govern with his mind, not with might

Latest News

01 Jul

16 Jun

All Indian Thematic Social Forum Event on ‘Dignity, Diversity and Democracy’


06 Jun

Minutes of meeting to discuss organizing an All Indian Social Forum Event in Hyderabad on the theme of ‘Dignity, Diversity and Democracy’ Meeting o

16 Mar

Report on - All India Consultative meeting of World Forum held on 15th and 16th March in Delhi at Indian Social Institute Lodi Road deliberated at

20 Feb

Participants in the symposium included those who had been centrally engaged in the organizing of the Asian Social Forum in Hyderabad in Jan 2003.

The World Social Forum (WSF) is the largest gathering of civil society to find solutions to the problems of our time. The WSF brings together in each of its edition tens of thousands of participants to more than a thousand activities (workshops, conferences, artistic performances …)

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  • All India Thematic Social Forum
    Secretariat Yugantar
    3-4-142/6, Barkatpura
    Hyderabad, Telangana, 500027
  • +91 40 23449193
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