Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un on TV in Nagasaki as Tensions Escalated

Nuclear Disarmament NOT Nuclear Threats

United for Peace and Justice objects in the strongest possible terms to President DonaldTrump’s August 8 nuclear threat to “rain fire and fury like the world has never seen” onhuman beings. Trump doubled down on his alarming threat to North Korea two dayslater, saying: “Maybe it wasn’t tough enough.” The world has seen the devastation […]

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In early July at the 2017 US Conference of Mayors meeting in Miami, 253 mayors from big cities to rural towns unanimously adopted a resolution condemning the Trump Administration’s immoral proposal to add $54 billion to the already grossly inflated military budget of over $600 billion. Across the nation, peace, justice, labor, environmental, and community […]

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Direct from Hiroshima, Jackie Shares Appeal for Survival

From Jackie Cabasso, National Co-convener, United for Peace and Justice Executive Director, Western States Legal FoundationGreetings of peace from Hiroshima, where I’m attending the 2017 World Conference Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs, with nearly 100 peace activists from 21 countries and more than 200 Japanese. Today marks the 72 nd anniversary of the U.S. atomic […]

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Petition Syria

[PETITION] Keep up the Pressure! No Attacks on Syria – Stop Endless War!

The devastating war in Syria rages on. While the New York Times recently reported that the Trump administration has quietly ended the covert program to supply Syrian rebel groups with arms and supplies, the Los Angeles Times, just a few days later, reported that U.S. trained Syrian opposition fighters hope to take a fresh stand […]

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A boy and his sisters watch graffiti artists spray on a wall, commemorating the victims who were killed in Saudi-led coalition airstrikes in Sanaa, Yemen, Monday, May 18, 2015. Saudi-led airstrikes targeting Yemen's Shiite rebels resumed early on Monday in the southern port city of Aden after a five-day truce expired amid talks on the war-torn country's future that were boycotted by the rebels. (AP Photo/Hani Mohammed)

[Action Alert] Stop Weapons Sales to Saudi Arabia. End the War in Yemen.

This is an urgent alert that requires action from all of us. US arms sales to Saudi Arabia are fueling the deadly war and famine that are destroying Yemen and indiscriminately killing thousands of people. We each need to call Congress today to tell our legislators to block the sale of US bombs to Saudi Arabia. Congress […]

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no nukes no walls no warming

Join Peace & Planet Conference in NYC: No Nukes, No Wars, No Walls, No Warming

June 18 @ 1:00 pm – 6:00 pmA conference making the links between nuclear abolition, social and economic justice and moving the global economy to a path in balance with the planet’s ecosystems.The process that initiated negotiations for a ban on nuclear weapons has raised awareness of the catastrophic consequences of nuclear weapons.But despite growing mobilizations for […]

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People search for survivors under the rubble of houses destroyed by Saudi airstrikes near Sanaa Airport, Yemen, Thursday, March 26, 2015. Saudi Arabia launched airstrikes Thursday targeting military installations in Yemen held by Shiite rebels who were taking over a key port city in the country's south and had driven the embattled president to flee by sea, security officials said. (AP Photo/Hani Mohammed)

Urgent Yemen Briefing and Action Steps: Stop the Saudi Arabia Arms Sales

Please join this important conference call to help prevent a further humanitarian disaster from happening in Yemen and stop the U.S. from selling arms to Saudi Arabia.Monday, June 5th 5PM Pacific, 6PM Mountain, 7PM Central, 8PM EasternDial-in Number: (605) 472-5575Access Code: 944808iPhone: (605) 472-5575, 944808# Agenda (Eastern Times)8:00 – 8:20 PM (20 mins) What you need […]

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women's march to ban the bomb united nations protest

Join the Women’s March to Ban the Bomb!, June 17

NUCLEAR WEAPONS ARE ABOUT TO BE BANNED AND WE NEED YOUR VOICE!In one of its final acts of 2016, the United Nations General Assembly adopted with overwhelming support a landmark resolution to begin negotiations on a treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons. This historic decision heralds an end to two decades of paralysis in multilateral nuclear disarmament […]

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This Memorial Day, Join Veterans on the March!

Veterans on the March! Stop Endless War • Build for Peace! Rally and March to the White House Tuesday, May 30, 2017, 11 a.m. Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C. Donald Trump and his administration are intent on destroying this planet with utter disregard for our children and grandchildren. Veterans cannot be silent. Join Veterans For Peace […]

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trump saudi war yemen

Send a Letter to Congress: No weapons to Saudi Arabia! No attack on Hodeida! Stop war crimes in Yemen!

Donald Trump has just arrived in Saudi Arabia. Stand with us to end US support for the Saudi war in Yemen! The Trump administration has approved the resumption of sales of precision-guided munitions to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in a heartless reversal of the previous administration’s freeze over concerns about heavy civilian casualties. Now, […]

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