NISGUA links people in the U.S. and Guatemala in the grassroots global struggle for justice, human dignity, and respect for the Earth.

Guatemala Accompaniment Project

NISGUA’s Guatemala Accompaniment Project (GAP) participates in the global struggle to ensure the respect of human rights by placing volunteers side-by-side Guatemalan individuals and organizations threatened for defending their own rights.

Defense of Life and Territory

Over the past ten years, more than a million Guatemalans have voted in popular referenda against resource extraction activities on their lands and yet the government continues to grant licenses to transnational companies. Communities are rising up to peacefully defend their lands and protect their future.

Justice and Accountability

In the aftermath of the internal armed conflict, survivors groups filed charges against former de facto presidents and their military high commands for crimes against humanity and genocide. Witnesses and families continue to push for justice for crimes of the past that remain in impunity today.

U.S. Connections and Movement Building

We believe that our social movements here in the U.S. are intricately linked with the struggles of communities and organizations in Guatemala. We build people-to-people connections and solidarity across borders through U.S. speaking tours with Guatemalan human rights defenders, delegations, gatherings and workshops.

Latest from our blog

Tahoe Resources hace cabildeo ante los gobiernos de Estados Unidos y Canadá para que intervengan en la decisión de corte guatemalteca de suspender la mina Escobal

September 1st, 2017|0 Comments

Miles de personas afuera de la Corte Suprema de Justicia en Guatemala el 28 de agosto 2017. Foto: Jose Pablo Chumil El siguiente artículo fue co-escrito por AlertaMinera Canadá y Red en Solidaridad con el Pueblo de Guatemala (NISGUA) con [...]

Tahoe Resources lobbies U.S. and Canadian governments to intervene over Guatemalan court decision to suspend Escobal mine

September 1st, 2017|0 Comments

Thousands gather outside Guatemalan Supreme Court on August 28, 2017. Photo credit: Jose Pablo Chumil The following article was co-written by MiningWatch Canada and Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala (NISGUA) with support from former NISGUA [...]

Que su testimonio sea semilla que cae en tierra fértil

August 22nd, 2017|0 Comments

El siguiente comunicado fue publicado por el Centro para la Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos – CALDH y publicado aquí con su permiso. Jose Efraín Ríos Montt fue condenado a 80 años en prisión por genocidio y crímenes de lesa [...]

Police attack Peaceful Resistance Encampment Again Two Days after Massive Protest

August 17th, 2017|0 Comments

In the early morning of July 21, the Guatemalan National Civil Police (PNC) carried out a second violent attack on the peaceful encampment in Casillas, where community members have expressed their resolute opposition to the presence of Tahoe Resources’ Escobal silver [...]

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