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june 18 1999

An International day of action, protest and carnival aimed at the heart of the global economy.

What's happening where?
This is what was planned in 43 countries around the world.


Due to the popularity of the streaming we have to upgrade our this space...

More soon on the real story from the streets of London - you can't believe every police report you hear!

LONDON: 6.25pm (GMT 1)
At 18:00 hours in a report by a UK radio station the first accurate descriptions of the serious injuries sustained by protestors throughout the afternoon was broadcast. Many of the UK media news reports were surprisingly accurate, reporting on the diverse and peaceful nature of the day. As the Carnival like atmosphere spread throughout the city, demonstrators seeped through the initial police cordon and proceeded to dance through the streets.

While the news reports have made a point of stressing the peaceful nature of the majority of the participants, it is regrettable that the other focus of the reports has been on the violence and the prevailing traffic conditions as a result of the event, rather than the extroadinary global coalition that has united in over 40 countries to protest against globalisation.

LONDON: 5.20pm (GMT 1) - Another brick in the wall for capitalism
Carnival goers bricked up the London International Financial Futures and & Options Exchange building to make the point that there is no future in the current financial system. 'There is no future in Futures.' The wall was built to a height of 5 feet using breeze blocks and cement brought into the city during the carnival. The building was evacuated.

LONDON: 4.05pm (GMT 1) - Police agression continues even after protestor was injured by police van...3 storey fountain cools hot partygoers...giant heads bring music to the masses...
More info on UK...

LONDON: 2.50pm (GMT 1) - Person injured by police van, ambulance needed. Police drive at speed into crowd.

LONDON: 1.40pm (GMT 1) - Thousands of protestors demonstrate outside McDonalds restaurant. City workers dancing in the street with carnival goers. Liverpool Street and Old Street are blocked by 3,000 partying protestors...more arriving all the time...
More info on UK...

AUSTRALIA: 1.25 (GMT 1) - Kim Beazley, the Leader of the Opposition, was pied for speaking at ameeting about APEC and Global Trade, sponsored by Shell, and organised byMonash Uni.
More info on Australia...

SPAIN/BARCELONA: 12.15 (GMT 1) - Protestors disrupt commuter traffic.
More info on Spain

LONDON: 11.45 (GMT 1) - Business comes to a halt as activists occupy Lloyds Bank in protest at support of arms export industry

LONDON: 10:00 - Activists in occupation of Natwest Bank - more details to follow.

LONDON: 9:30am (GMT 1) LLoyds Bank in St. Pauls occupied
4 People are locked on inside the bank of British Aerospace. More protesters are picketing outside the building

LONDON: 9:30am (GMT 1) 30 Protesters occupy another office in the City
The company does not know that they have been occupied yet - more details when they do

LONDON:9:05am (GMT 1) Campaign Against The Arms Trade occupies offices of Friends Provident
More details to come later

LONDON: 8:00am (GMT 1) 600 Cyclists take to the streets of the City of London
Report with pictures here

LONDON: 0900 Hrs - Activists occupy Friends Provident office near St Pauls - Banner dropped from building.

Live webcasting from the Sydney j18 actions started at 1am GMT. Get continual updates from: Pictures of actions currently happening in Melbourne can be found at:

In London Radio Interferance is broadcasting continuously on 106.8 FM (or somewhere near that frequency) while the city prepares for the biggest global protest against international finance yet.

Please make a note of the following in case this site stops working: Melbourne mirror -, Denmark mirror -
(Thanks to apc for sorting this out, also to greennet).

Backup urls -,,


Pirate TV produced this collage of all the images and audio reports collected throughout the day and streamed out a live show: Click here for the stream. There are three parts to the archive so hang in there.... Now you can see the j18 compilation video of the event 20 mins. and find out where to get a copy....

Also the IRC server has problems connecting. Therefore goto then go to the forum and read the message posted by Ellisway for details on how to connect

What do you think? Live chat!

What time is it? See the world clock

The official G8 summit site


There is a call for mass fare-dodging on an overnight train-ride to Cologne : 'get together en-masse at your main train station and get on a train for Cologne and let us turn June 19 into another day to remember.' No money. No passport. No problem.

What can you do?
Contact the Summit and tell them what you think about globalisation HERE.

Zapata Virtual Sit in : Zapata Vive!

In India, the National Alliance of Peoples Movements (NAPM). say:
'There will be protests across 25 states in India, involving hundreds of thousands of people who have been marginalised by the market economy and World Trade Organisation policies. Many capital developments are coming to India but they benefit only the rich.'

This site will be updated continuously throughout the next 24 hours with reports from actions around the world. Please bear in mind that reports from some countries may take longer to come in than others - so do keep coming back to get the whole picture.

global |argentina |australia |austria |bangladesh |basque country |belarus |brasil |canada |catalonia |chile |colombia |czech republic |finland |france |germany |greece |india |indonesia |israel |italy |malaysia |malta |mexico |netherlands |nepal |nigeria |pakistan |poland |portugal |romania |senegal |south africa |south korea |spain |sweden |switzerland |thailand |uk: england |uk: scotland |uk: wales |uruguay |usa |zimbabwe