


Exile section of CNT (Spain) established in Melbourne


CNT-B comrades establish the Anarchist Cellar in Glenmore Rd., Paddington, NSW. Cruz Negra narquista (Anarchist Black Cross) established in Melbourne, commences publication of ‘Acacia’.


CNT-B Secretariat moves from Paris to Sydney.


‘Acracia’ commences biligual publication in Spanish and English.


January – Federation of Australian Anarchists (FAA) established at conference in Sydney.

‘Acracia’ reverts to publishing in Spanish only.


February – Sydney IWW group forms.

June – FAA disbands at conference in Melbourne.


Bookshop opened at 417 King St. Newtown, NSW under the name ‘Sydney Anarcho-Syndicalists’.


Melbourne IWW group forms.


‘Sydney Anarcho-Syndicalists’ bookshop changes name to ‘Jura Bookshop’ Members of Sydney IWW and hold meetings to discuss the establishment of an IWA section in Australia.


Members of Sydney IWW publish ‘Communique No.1’ under the name ‘Anarcho-Syndicalist Committee’ declaring an intention to establish an Australian section of the IWA.


February – ‘Rebel Worker’ commences publication as the paper of the IWW under the auspices of the Australia and New Zealand General Organising Committee of the IWW.

Split in Jura Bookshop leads to the establishment of Black Rose Books in Botany, NSW.

Melbourne IWW disbands.


February – Sydney IWW disbands and reforms as Rebel Worker Group (RWG) and makes an application to affiliate with the IWA. Rebel Worker continues to publish as ‘An Anarcho-Syndicalist Paper’.

April – Former members of CNT and Melbourne IWW form Melbourne Anarcho-Syndicalist Group (MASG).

RWG rejects overtures by MASG to enter into discussions in regard to forming a federation.


Application by RWG to affiliate as the Australian section of the IWA rejected at 17th IWA Congress held in Madrid.


RWG calls for a conference of anarcho-syndicalists to be held in Sydney the following January.


January – Anarcho-syndicalist conference agrees to found the Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation on a provisional basis with an affiliate in Sydney and an affiliate in Melbourne.

February – RWG changes its name to ASF Sydney. CNT-B-in-exile formally disbands remaining members join ASF Sydney. First meeting of ASF Melbourne held in North Fitzroy on the 15th. Rebel Worker continues to publish as ‘the Paper of the ASF’. ASF makes application to affiliate with the IWA as the Australian section.

March – ASF Melbourne establishes industrial action support project to support workers in struggle.

April – ASF Melbourne twins with Builders Labourers Federation picket line at Banana Alley/Queen St.

May – ASF Melbourne commences publication of ‘Sparks’, an anarcho-syndicalist public transport workers paper.

July – ASF Melbourne holds ‘50th Annivesary of Spanish Revolution Celebrations’ in Fitzroy. Rebel Worker goes monthly.

October – BLF dispute ends in defeat. ASF Melbourne establishes Patient Strike Support Group to support striking nurses.

November – ASF Melbourne sponsors Public Transport Workers Association as a provisional affiliate.

December – Nurses srtike ends in victory.


January – ASF confirmed at 1st Congress of the ASF. Public Transport Workers Association (PTWA) admitted to ASF. ‘Sparks’ continues as paper of


June – Rail Guards dispute PTWA and ASF-M engage in support action.


January – ASF-M publishes ‘White Australia has a Black History’ as part of

ASF Anti-Bicentenary Campaign.

April – ASF admitted to IWA as the Australian section of the IWA at the 18th IWA Congress held in Bordeaux, France.

June – 2nd ASF Congress held in Melbourne. ASF Melbourne South admitted.

September – Solidarity actions by IWA sections across the world in support of the struggles of aboriginal people in Australia. Spanish translation of ‘White Australia has a Black History’ published in serial form by CNT paper ‘Cenit’. Japanese translation ‘White Australia has a Black History’ published by RRU, Japanese section of IWA.