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New safety standards will snare bushwalkers in red tape, volunteers fear

Bushwalking groups fear new safety standards will create so much red tape they'll be forced to quit the pastime.

The proposed Australian Adventure Activity Standards will assess bushwalking group leaders for their competency in a long list of outdoor skills, such as first aid, running a camp site, and even interpreting weather conditions in the field.

But amateur clubs warn the standards will force them to undertake hours of study and paperwork to prove they have the skills to safely enter the bush.

Bushwalking Victoria says its volunteer clubs lack the resources or the time to adhere to the new standards, which it calculates would involve a maximum 588 hours of course time to fulfil every proposed unit of competency.

President Peter Campbell said the standard was designed for commercial operators and volunteer groups should be exempted.

He said the added "compliance burden", legal liability and increased insurance costs would lead some clubs to fold rather than attempt to comply with the lengthy checklist.    


"These standards are in excess of what normally happens within bushwalking clubs," Mr Campbell said.

"Bushwalking clubs do assess leaders, they won't let a junior lead an advanced expedition, so they self-regulate in that sense."

Mary Steel is president of the Bayside Bushwalking Club, which has about 400 members.

She said the group already struggled to find enough people willing to put in the extra time that goes into being a leader.

"We believe the impacts of the proposed Australian Adventure Activity Standards will exacerbate this situation," Ms Steel said.

The introduction of the national standards is being partly managed by peak body Outdoors Victoria, which says the standards will be voluntary and will rarely apply to amateur groups.

Chief executive Andrew Knight said the standards had been developed over a number of years and were something to celebrate, because they will "harmonise eight separate state and territory standards" to make compliance simpler.

"This will make things very straight-forward for bushwalking groups," he said.

While the standards are voluntary, some land managers and insurers may insist that any volunteer group meets them.

This is where Bushwalking Victoria argues its clubs could run into legal problems.

"Even though the adventure activity standard is not legally binding, compliance is often required by public and private land managers, regulatory agencies, insurers and others as a contractual or management condition," Outdoors Victoria said.  

The Andrews government supports the new standard, which it says will help outdoors groups establish whether they have a duty of care and what they need to do to honour that.

"We want to see more Victorians enjoying the great outdoors and doing so safely," a spokesman for Minister for Sport John Eren said.

"That's what these voluntary guidelines are all about – making sure people are prepared and have the right safeguards in place to enjoy themselves."