Federal Politics

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Snowy Hydro poll bounce suggests voters prefer the old Malcolm

Malcolm Turnbull has more power than he realises to determine if a bump in public support amounts to five minutes of government sunshine or a longer term recovery.

Yes, it was his 19th losing Newspoll in a row but, it moved in the right direction at last.

The question is, why?

The fractional improvement suggests that, contrary to the conservative press, the government's survival might not turn on rightward shifts to sate shock jocks and boutique conservatives, but rather on Turnbull's preparedness to stare down the ideologues by projecting purposeful, centrist government. Government, that is, personified by, and contiguous with, the prime minister voters thought they were buying.

After the nostalgic indulgence of the Abbott experiment, Turnbull was that corrective.

A claim by one commentator on Monday that "many traditional Liberal voters are discomfited by Malcolm Turnbull's progressivism" is typical of much indignant barracking on left and right – long on certainty, short on evidence.


More likely is that it is not "traditional" Liberal voters who have walked since 2016 but, rather, centre-oriented swinging voters – people who are socially progressive, if generally market-inclined, and who liked Turnbull's similar instincts.

While it is perilous to conclude too much from single poll movements (especially those within the margin of error), the lift in the primary vote (merely 2 percentage points) and a bigger seven-point improvement in Turnbull's lead as preferred prime minister, followed a (non-sitting) fortnight. It was one during which the PM had "appeared" to be taking action on electricity prices and to be spruiking his beloved Snowy Hydro expansion. A meld of perceived action and greater personal authenticity.

Instead of right-wing virtue signalling over so-called "political correctness", voters originally plumped for just this moderate combination. They expect their governments to be dynamic and relevant to the times – cautious in social, economic and environmental policy, but not defiantly regressive.

And they value optimism, social cohesion, imagination and a sense of forward movement.

News bulletins beamed into households across the country in the days leading up to the survey hinted at that through glimpses of the old Turnbull – techno-Malcolm, enviro-Malcolm, leather-jacket Malcolm, real-Malcolm – enthusing boyishly about pumped hydro.

It is possible that even the Coalition's bizarre marriage survey, self-serving as it is, has conveyed a sense of progress, of unproductive social divisions being (however) addressed.

It's a theory, anyway.

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