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Liberals poorly misjudged the anger with voters over its deal with One Nation

Political parties around Australia will be eyeing off the Liberals' disastrous result in the WA election and be thinking one thing: disrespect your supporters at your own peril.

The Liberal party was obliterated in the polls and could lose as many as 20 seats to Labor.

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The costly preference deal

Pointing the finger has begun over the wisdom of the decision by the WA Liberal Party to do a preference deal with One Nation. Courtesy ABC News 24.

The Liberals' primary vote looks like dropping a staggering 16 per cent and the party could be left holding just 16 seats.

At least four Liberal ministers – Environment minister Albert Jacob (Burns Beach), Local Government minister Paul Miles (Wanneroo) Health minister John Day (Kalamunda ) and Mental Health minister Andrea Mitchell (Kingsley) have lost their seats.

And Corrective Services minister Joe Francis is hanging on for dear life, with the polls showing early on Sunday morning he was in real danger of losing his seat of Jandakot.

The fallout from the Liberal party will be bloody and the blame will be firmly pointed at the party powerbrokers who stitched up a deal with One Nation.


Former Premier Colin Barnett continually rolled out the line the deal with One Nation was "pragmatic" and "mathematical" but the Liberals poorly misjudged the anger brewing amongst party members after it jumped into bed with One Nation.

The deal was an unmitigated disaster and it could take years for the Liberals to rebuild its brand that has haemorrhaged so badly.

And for One Nation, the campaign was equally disastrous after it looks like the party will barely get five per cent of the primary vote and may just pick up two seats in the upper house.

Only three weeks ago, a Newspoll had One Nation getting as much as 13 per cent of the primary vote and the party was expected to get the balance of power in the upper house and was even confident of picking up seats in the lower house.

A Liberal source told WAtoday on Thursday the party was imploding as it became clear it was about to be hit with a "tidal wave".

"So many party members are dismayed at the deal with One Nation," the Liberal insider said.

The fallout from the Liberal party will be bloody and the blame will be firmly pointed at the party powerbrokers who stitched up a deal with One Nation.

"Many were saying 'how dare' you give 'our' preferences to a party that is basically racist and has absolutely nothing in common with us.

"We were expecting some anger, but not like this. We stuffed up".

One of the architects of the deal, West Australian Liberal Party president Norman Moore, was quick to blame One Nation's messy campaign as the reason the deal went sour.

"Labor won in 2001 on the basis of One Nation preferences. I doubt anybody is prepared to admit that in the Labor Party, but that's what happened," he told The Australian newspaper.

"I wasn't about to commit suicide this time."

"At the time that we needed to indicate to the electorate what our preferences would be, One Nation was going very well.

"Regrettably they made a bit of a mess of the last couple of weeks because of some silly things that Pauline Hanson said."

The ink is barely dry on the ballot papers and already two Liberal MPs are picking over the bones of the hapless defeat, looking at becoming the next leader of the party.

Deputy leader Liza Harvey told reporters on Saturday she would put her hand up for the Liberals top job if the party lost the election.

"I'm very much focused on getting through today and then we'll just see in the muck up," she said.

"I've always said I'll put my name forward when Colin chooses to retire."

And Joe Francis hinted to Radio 6PR he would have a tilt at the Liberal leadership.

But it might come down to a one-horse race if Mr Francis loses his seats.

Whatever happens with the bloodletting at the Liberals, the party will never make another dumb deal like it did with One Nation.

And the party faithful will be reminding them at every opportunity what an abject failure the deal with One Nation was.


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