ASIC's Greg Medcraft says traditional bank accounts may be obsolete in a decade

ASIC chairman Greg Medcraft says "with central-bank issued digital currencies, you might not need a bank account anymore".
ASIC chairman Greg Medcraft says "with central-bank issued digital currencies, you might not need a bank account anymore". Jessica Hromas

Bank accounts could become unnecessary within the next decade because central banks will create digital currencies and allow customers to hold deposits directly with them, predicts Greg Medcraft, chairman of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

The issuance by central banks of digital versions of their fiat currencies onto distributed ledgers would lead to widespread disaggregation for commercial banks, which would be forced to fight much harder to attract funding alongside market-based funds in a radical upheaval of financial markets.

Banks and policy makers should be studying the ramifications for the Australian economy given central bank-issued digital currencies could start to appear globally in the next five to 10 years, he added.

In Australia "there is a lack of lateral thinking. You can't think in terms of the ways things are done today. If we want to be proactive and forward looking, we need to be thinking about digital currencies," Mr Medcraft told The Australian Financial Review.

Bitcoin was designed to circumvent banking.
Bitcoin was designed to circumvent banking. Bloomberg

"The smart banks get it and are reshaping what they do, but they know they are probably living on borrowed time. I think you will see a disaggregation of the banking model down to a narrow banking model.

"With central-bank issued digital currencies, you might not need a bank account anymore."

There is an irony in central banks thinking about cryptocurrencies given Bitcoin was created to circumvent central banks and governments through its peer-to-peer payments system validated by raw computer power rather than a trusted intermediary.

Banks already have exchange settlement accounts with central bank; in the future, central banks could extend these to everyday transaction accounts for the population. Central banks already issue digital money as reserve balances only exist in electronic form, but the liabilities of the central bank could widen in the future.

Commercial banks would have to entice savers to shift their funds from the central bank to commercial bank deposits, and would compete against markets-based credit funds doing the same. Banks could be forced to pay more to attract deposits from a more limited funding pool. Customers could alternatively put their funds with technology companies providing savings options.

The prospect of depositing funds with the central bank directly is "pretty attractive [for customers] because you won't have to deal with a bank ever again," said Mr Medcraft, who is a member of a high-level group advising International Monetary Fund president Christine Lagarde on fintech.

"Banks will have to attract people to lend to them. They lose free money provided by transaction accounts."

"I think is it going to become a new model. What does it mean? It means you no longer need to have a bank account to transact.

"Banks' central role in payments system will one day disappear. There will come a time when if you want to transact, you won't need a private bank account because you will essentially have a digital wallet with the central bank.

"It means it breaks down banks' role in the economy."

Global trials

It is understood the Reserve Bank of Australia has been examining the future role digital currencies might play in the Australian payments system – including a scenario where a central bank issued digital cash – but has no current plans to develop a digital equivalent of physical cash.

The central banks of Singapore and Canada have recently conducted pilots where fiat currencies were turned into digital tokens and issued on a distributed ledger, a synchronised database creating a trustworthy and immutable record of transactions.

Central banks in Sweden, the Netherlands, Brazil, China, England and the United States have also been studying digital currencies. They want to understand what impact they could have on payments systems, financial stability, deposits held at commercial banks, and the transmission of monetary policy. Central banks are also studying the extent of decentralisation of systems and regulation of new entities likely to enter the market system, according to the Bank of International Settlements (BIS).

The Bank of Canada in 2016 announced Project Jasper, an experiment between Payments Canada, the Bank of Canada, major Canadian banks and R3, a global consortium of banks experimenting with distributed ledgers. The trial involved a digital token, known as a CAD-Coin, being issued to participants in the interbank payment market. It was used a medium of exchange after cash collateral was pledged into a special pool.

The test suggested there is some way to go before this becomes a reality. In a report in June, the Bank of Canada revealed the new technology is no better than the current centralised system for wholesale payments. It said distributed ledgers would not be used to modernise the payments system in the near term.

"DLT-based platforms are just not there yet," Carolyn Wilkins, senior deputy governor of the Bank of Canada, observed.

The Monetary Authority of Singapore, its central bank, has also been conducting a digital currency pilot, known as Project Ubin, in the wholesale market for interbank payments in partnership with R3. MAS said recently it will conduct further work, including studying the impact of a tokenised form of the Singapore dollar on liquidity and systemic risk.

It is understood that the RBA has been keeping a close eye on the MAS and Bank of Canada trials.

The People's Bank of China has done trials of a prototype digital currency, taking it a step closer to being the first major central bank to issue digital money. "Central banks cannot afford to treat cyber currencies as toys to play with in a sand box," Andrew Sheng, chief adviser to the China Banking Regulatory Commission, told Bloomberg last week. "It is time to realise that they are the real barbarians at the gate." Despite the conclusions of Project Jasper suggesting the technology is not ready, Mr Medcraft said the adoption of digital currencies "is probably going to move faster than you think, because it provides a dramatic increase in competition in financial services and can help trap the black economy."

Hurdles to any system winning support include is the loss of anonymity compared to cash and the potential increase in state surveillance and power.

But Mr Medcraft, who will relinquish his role as ASIC chairman in November but continue advising the IMF, said central banks will be interested in issuing their own digital currencies to contain Bitcoin, and to isolate "initial coin offerings" (ICOs), the new forms of capital raisings involving the issuance of cryptocurrencies that operate outside existing securities laws.

If central banks do create deposit accounts, the prudential regulation net may be cast more narrowly because some regulated banks would be likely to become non-banks because the government guarantee of deposits will remain expensive for capital and liquidity.

His prediction the writing is on the wall for commercial bank accounts is the latest provocative insight on big disruption ahead for banking by Mr Medcraft, who chaired the International Organisation of Securities Commissions for three years. In April in London, he said banks will be forced to sell other banks' products because regulators will insist they only offer what is best suited to customer needs, turning banking into a platform. He also predicted, at The Australian Financial Review Banking & Wealth Summit the same month, that global technology giants will soon enter the banking system and force the break-up of existing incumbent banks.