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Courage welcomes Zcash donations

Payment systems are not politically neutral. Courage has teamed up with the Zcash Foundation to avoid censorship and enhance source protection

5 years since Ecuador’s courageous decision to grant asylum to Julian Assange

Five years ago today, Ecuador invoked international law and recognised the political persecution of Julian Assange

Updated: MalwareTech released on bail; supporters to meet Wednesday

MalwareTech, arrested in the US after attending Defcon, will be released today on bail and will travel straight to Wisconsin for a court appearance on Monday, 14 August

Courage statement on MalwareTech arrest

Courage is very concerned about the FBI's arrest of MalwareTech as he was boarding his plane to leave the United States after attending Defcon

Join the campaign to support alleged leaker Reality Winner

Courage joins Stand With Reality, an international coalition to defend the accused NSA truthteller hosted by Courage to Resist

Courage condemns surveillance on Mexican activists

The software sends fake texts with links that provide full access to a target's phone; researchers believe the Mexican government used it against journalists, activists and human rights defenders

Throw a party to support Chelsea Manning’s appeal!

Courage can help you host a party to raise funds for Chelsea Manning's vital legal appeal; TransCyberian's first party in Berlin on 16 June will feature live music and crypto workshops, with proceeds going to Chelsea's fund