Federal Politics

Christopher Pyne has suggested he would swap seats if an electoral redistribution made his seat of Sturt more marginal.

Pyne flags seat switch if boundary change unfavouable

Christopher Pyne has suggested his high profile has unreasonably fuelled media speculation that his seat of Sturt will be abolished, but the Defence Industry Minister has nonetheless hinted that he would switch seats even if Sturt is retained but with its boundaries moved to render it unwinnable.

Remove Medicare levy loopholes: ACOSS

Dr Cassandra Goldie, CEO of the Australian Council of Social Service.

Australia's Medicare levy is riddled with loopholes and should climb with income, as do tax rates, according to a Council of Social Service position paper to be released as the Senate decides whether or not to boost the levy to pay for the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Citizenship chaos looms as parliament resumes

Barnaby Joyce will be acting Prime Minister later this week.

The Turnbull government is bracing for another chaotic week in Federal Parliament, with Labor warning "anything could happen" as it seeks to turn the screws on Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce.

Turnbull's basketball court fail

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull fails on basketball court

Outspoken athletes are often told to 'stick to sports' but perhaps the Prime Minister will take that advice on board in the reverse.

The little-known alternative to the 457 visa

Mark Jones at the Fremantle harbor in Western Australia.

A visa designed to parachute highly qualified international specialists into short-term roles has become the "new frontier for unscrupulous employers" looking to exploit cheap foreign labour, in many cases locking Australian workers out of jobs.

Father's Day ad not blocked for being 'too political'

A still from the Dads4Kids commercial.

The body that represents commercial TV networks has emphatically denied it blocked the broadcast of a Father's Day commercial on the grounds that it was a political intervention in Australia's same-sex marriage debate.

Hinch's Senate eligibility under a cloud

Senator Derryn Hinch has admitted that he still holds a social security card from when he lived in the US.

Crossbencher Derryn Hinch has become the latest potential victim of a worsening citizenship saga after admitting he has links to the United States which could disqualify him from the Senate.