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Facebook Business news

25 July 2017

Living in an Accessible World

Technology is transforming the world for people with disabilities. We talk to those who have made it their mission to make sure everybody can enjoy technology.
24 July 2017

Grow Your Business: 3 Ways to Use Custom Audiences

Winning audience attention is a major challenge for every marketer. That’s why the people who already know your business are a major asset. Custom Audiences is an ad-targeting option that helps you reach those people through Facebook and make the most of those relationships.
20 July 2017

Meet the Innovation Spotlight winner for online and offline sales

Aligning offline and online sales efforts can be a challenge for marketers. Innovation Spotlight is our annual call for the year’s most exciting new technologies built on our API to solve challenges like these.
11 July 2017

Messenger Ads Are Going Global

After promising tests in Australia and Thailand, we're expanding our Messenger ad beta. We'll now offer businesses around the world a way to use Facebook targeting to extend their reach to people in Messenger.
3 July 2017

New Facebook Success Stories from June

Learn how Corona, Renault and family-run Swedish business iELM are using Facebook ads to drive awareness and sales.
29 June 2017

Learn from the best: top 5 SME travel campaigns

Ever wondered what makes the difference between a great campaign and one that’s just average? In the first of our new Learn from the Best series, we’re shining a spotlight on five of the best travel-related campaigns by small to medium businesses. Be inspired!
29 June 2017

Who wants to be a mobile video maker?

In today's environment of fast, high-volume video watching, we want to help you make better creative decisions and stronger connections with people. We have outlined our core recommendations for mobile video.
26 June 2017

Welcome to the World of Will Shu

The founder of Deliveroo gives a glimpse into his life and passion.
19 June 2017

Fresh from Cannes: New features for creatives

Last November we launched Creative Hub – a faster, easier way to produce ads for our mobile platforms. Today we're introducing two new features to make Creative Hub even more impactful.
8 June 2017

New Medium, New Rules: Video Advertising in the Mobile Age

Today, television is still a powerful medium where great creative work takes place. But now, it's in direct competition with mobile – a medium defined by the fact that beyond every household, every person has a screen, on their person, at all times.
31 May 2017

Power of 'Better Together': Combine Facebook & TV

With the TV remote increasingly being replaced with mobile in the hands of the consumer, its time Marketers also start rethinking traditional TV-only media plans and shift to new age media plans that unlock the power of ‘Better Together’.
31 May 2017

Explore Creativity with Facebook at Cannes 2017

This year, our teams will be at Cannes to connect with our partners, listen to feedback, build new solutions and celebrate creative work.
Facebook for Business

Facebook can help your large, medium or small business grow. Get the latest news for advertisers and more on our Facebook Business Page.