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Getting started with adverts

Here's how to set up Facebook adverts and manage them.

What you need to start creating Facebook adverts

Think of the business goal that you want to achieve

Your business goal – the reason why you're running the advert

Think of the audience that you wish to target

An understanding of who you want to reach

Think of a budget – daily or lifetime

A daily or lifetime budget for your advert

Think of your creative, photo or video

Photos or videos to feature in your advert

Choose your objective.

Facebook Adverts Manager interface on desktop: select an advertising objective

To choose the right advertising objective, answer the question "what's the most important outcome I want from this advert?" It could be sales on your website, downloads of your app or increased brand awareness.

Select your audience.

Using what you know about the people you want to reach – such as age, location or many other things– choose the demographics and behaviours that represent your audience.

Facebook Adverts Manager interface on desktop: potential reach for audience

Decide where to run your advert.

Next, choose where you want to run your advert, either on Facebook, Instagram, or the apps and websites in Audience Network – or across all of them. In this step, you can also choose to run adverts on certain mobile devices.

A Facebook advert on mobile


An Instagram advert on mobile


A Facebook advert using Audience Network to show on third-party mobile apps

Audience Network

Set your budget

Enter your daily or lifetime budget, and the time period during which you want your adverts to run.

Facebook Adverts Manager interface on desktop: budget and schedule

Pick a format

You can choose to show a single image or video, or multiple images and videos in your advert. Or you can choose to create a slideshow advert or canvas advert.

Place your order

When you submit your advert, it goes to our advert auction which helps get it to the right people.

Measure and manage your advert

Once your advert is running, you can track performance and edit your campaign in Facebook Adverts Manager, Power Editor or Business Manager. Within these tools, you can see if one version of your advert is working better than another, or if your advert isn't being delivered efficiently, and make adjustments accordingly.

Facebook Adverts Manager: performance report

Start running Facebook adverts to meet your business goals.

A family of apps and services for all of the ways that people and businesses connect.

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Facebook can help your large, medium or small business grow. Get the latest news for advertisers and more on our Facebook Business Page.