
The Age Editorials

The same sex marriage poll is about one thing only

Supporters join in the marriage equality rally in Melbourne on  Saturday.

A well-funded campaign from religious groups, supported by some conservative politicians, is deliberately trying to conflate arguments and propagate fear and resentment in order to rally support for a "no" vote.

Why CEOs should give workers a fairer share

Power powwow. The government would do better to listen more, talk less.

The Reserve Bank of Australia has warned wages need to rise. The share of profits going to wages is at its lowest in decades, while those profits have been rising significantly.

How to help the young minimise drug harm

Power powwow. The government would do better to listen more, talk less.

Adolescents often feel invincible and all-knowing, so it's not necessarily a message to which they are immediately receptive, but it is vital they are given the information to allow them to conclude for themselves that recreational use of substances, including alcohol, can do irreparable damage.

May rationality prevail in citizenship crisis

Power powwow. The government would do better to listen more, talk less.

Australian constitutional law has precedence over the laws of other nations. Thus, should citizenship be conferred by the law of another land, it is not necessarily relevant to section 44(i).

Coalition right to fight slavery

The Age - Sunday - Editorial - Sunday Editorial

There is profound need for change. Slavery is the world's second-biggest illicit market, behind drugs, with an estimated 45 million children, women and men treated as commodities.

Eyes wide shut to suffering

The Manus Island detention centre.

These people and their perpetual misery have become our warning. Do not come here or you will suffer their fate.