
Cotters and squatters: housing's hidden history

Diggers illustration

Colin Ward's Cotters and Squatters explores the story of squatter settlement in England and Wales: from our cave-dwelling recent ancestors to the Diggers and on the industrial revolution; and from twentieth-century mass squatting to modern claims that The Land is Ours.

Police brutality leads to pro-migrant march in Rome

After a refugee eviction in Rome ended with shocking scenes of police violence, migrants and their supporters took to the streets.

Police brutality during double eviction in Bologna

Clashes outside the Làbas social centre.

Police injured more than a dozen people, two seriously, on a day where two social centres were violently evicted in Bologna.

Squatting in London: Precarity and Emergency Crisis Planning

Due to sustained attacks from the state, councils, and property owners, squatters in England have developed a capacity for emergency crisis planning whilst neglecting long term organising. This article examines why and briefly looks at attempts to reverse this trend.

Sisterhood and Squatting in the 1970s: Feminism, Housing and Urban Change in Hackney

Squat houses, Broughton Road, Hackney, 1983

A detailed look at squatting in 1970s Hackney, East London. Using oral history to recall how women squatting in the 1970s carved out a space for themselves to self organise in a decaying London, neglected by municipal structures. The article argues that by creating a physical space for themselves women in Hackney were able to shape and create the kind of feminist movement they wanted, which in turn helped them to create better places to live in.

The hidden history of housing

A grassroots history of housing, by Colin Ward.

Greece: anarchist refugee squats prepare for State onslaught

A new spate of recent evictions and interventions by the Greek State against refugee solidarity occupations run by the anarchist movement in Athens has prompted callouts for a major emergency gathering today.

SLAP! - Squatters of London Action Paper

SLAP! (Squatters of London Action Paper) is a monthly DIY newspaper for squatters in London. It is available in print and online as a PDF. The paper combines news, pictures, analysis and humour and aims to strengthen connections between squatters in London in order to encourage direct actions and other forms of anarchist organising.

Activists squat £100m development after eviction of homeless protest camp

A homeless camp set up in Brighton on April 5th to protest against a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) which has been imposed on the city’s parks and seafront was evicted on Wednesday — and activists have responded by taking over a building linked to a £100m development project.