

Top five theories on what is to come on Game of Thrones season 8

Hold on to your Dragon Glass because we're taking a stab at being the Three-eyed Raven over season eight.

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We know very little about the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones. It's not even clear if the fantasy drama will return roughly 12 months from now, keeping it to a yearly schedule, or if the production won't be ready until 2019 due to the scale and technical demands of the storytelling. Whatever the date, it's almost certain that creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss will continue to resolve key storylines.

Here are five momentous events that could be waiting on Westeros to help bring the show to a fitting conclusion.

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The many plot holes in Game of Thrones

SPOILER ALERT: How ravens travel so fast and what exactly kills White Walkers are some of one of many questions fans are asking about Game of Thrones.

1) Cleganebowl is Coming

This is pretty much a given following the events in yesterday's season seven finale, where estranged siblings Sandor Clegane and Gregor Clegane finally came face to face at the warring side's King's Landing parley. Granted, older brother Gregor is no longer alive, having been suspended halfway between life and death, but the two warrior's enmity is obvious. "You know who's coming for you," snarled Sandor, "you've always known", and this face-off was the deposit on a fight to the finish that fans have been waiting for since season one.

2) Jon Snow is Azor Ahai

The titles just keep accumulating for the humble swordsman, who started the show a bastard dispatched to serve on The Wall and has since been made Lord Commander of the Night's Watch and King in the North. Azor Ahai, or The Prince That Was Promised as a different version of much the same prophecy puts it, would be the ultimate handle – the person who basically delivers the living from the long night of the dead. In Jon's case that would mean defeating the all-powerful Night King, who was last seen riding an undead dragon and has previously regarded Jon with nothing more than mild curiosity. His Valyrian steel sword Longclaw will help, Jon's victory might also require…


3) Jorah Mormont's Ultimate Sacrifice

The ageing mercenary has been dedicated to Daenerys Targaryen since the first season of Game of Thrones, when she was a child bride sold to her Dothraki husband, the late Khal Drogo. But as yesterday's episode made clear, as much as Daenerys values Jorah – who escaped the death sentence of Greyscale basically because she ordered him to find a cure – she's in love with Jon Snow. It would be a very Jorah Mormont act to prove his devotion by giving his life to save the man who supplanted him. Hopefully before that happens Jorah gets to converse with his ten-year-old cousin, Lyanna, the current head of House Mormont and a no-nonsense delight.

4) Jaime Lannister Will Take Cersei's Life

For a moment in the season seven finale it looked like Jaime Lannister was going to be offed at the order of his sister, ruler and long-time lover, Cersei, whose murderous strategies he's supported for years. She hesitated, but Jaime abandoning Cersei to ride north might finally have split the pair, who've previously only grown closer through the deaths of their three royal children and the rise of innumerable adversaries. Cersei is maniacally dedicated to maintaining her power, whatever the cost, and it will fall to the regretful Jaime to bring closure to her rule for the greater good. Who better to serve as Queenslayer than the knight already known far and wide as the Kingslayer?

5) Daenerys Will Start a Family with Jon Snow

Season seven repeatedly made the point that the Mother of Dragons couldn't have a child, with Daenerys even telling her ally, suitor and unknowing nephew Jon Snow that she would never give birth to an heir. The writers aren't subtle about foreshadowing key plot points, so perhaps her conviction will be changed because of Jon's heritage. The silver-haired Targaryen's, who ruled Westeros for three hundred years, were fully in favour of intermarriage between relatives (even if it brought madness into their bloodline). A Dany and Jon union on the Iron Throne, with a child, could bring stability to what's left of the continent