Summer Papermaking Internships

WIND•EYE Handmade Paper – The Sherwood Press’s papermaking studio – is accepting applications for summer internships. Interns will work two three-hour shifts every two weeks making paper for our products in exchange for instruction and studio time on alternate weeks for group experiments and personal projects. Interns will work in groups of 2-3 and perform […]

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Chris Fritton in People of Print

Excited to have three pictures of The Sherwood Press included in People of Print’s article about Chris Fritton, The Itinerant Printer, who among visits to countless other print shops across the land dropped in at The Sherwood Press. Along the way he made a staggering number of prints which you would do well to check […]

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And We’re (nearly) DONE!

They say that time contracts when you’re busy, and I would have to say this feels true, especially of everything that’s happened since the close of our Indiegogo restoration campaign last December. It’s an understatement to say we were successful. We raised a whopping $17,429, a full 128% of our goal, and only a little […]

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Slow but Steady Wins the Race

We’re now in high gear producing perks for our Indiegogo campaign and will start shipping several this coming week. We are nearly at $16,000 of our stretch goal of $19,000! Our window restoration guy Dave King has taken measurements of the window, probed the wall below for rot, and is getting ready to start the process. It’s hard […]

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And now on to our stretch goals! Thank you, Olympia, friends, family, and supporters of all kinds from all places! We are absolutely thrilled and immensely grateful to you for supporting our restoration campaign! Our stretch goal is $19k. We are already over 75% of the way there, and contributions are still rolling in. So we are […]

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A Nice Olympian Article about our Indiegogo Campaign!

Today we spent an hour and a half with Rolf Boone, staff writer for the Olympian, and Steve Bloom, Olympian photographer. We had a great time chatting about the press and I probably kept them far longer than they intended, but they seemed to enjoy their time at the press. Here is the resulting article! […]

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I’m just so thrilled to have such a positive update about our Indiegogo campaign: The Sherwood Press 75 Year Restoration Fund. We launched last friday and thanks to 118 wonderful friends and supporters, we are now just dollars away from reaching the $10,000 mark! Thank you everyone who has helped bring us to this point and all […]

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Our Indiegogo Campaign is LIVE!

Visit our Campaign Page on Indiegogo! Folks, if you’ve ever sat around thinking to yourself, “I wish I could give money to a small local business who has an old building that is rotting into the ground,” then today is your lucky day! Our small, cedar cabin in the woods on the edge of Olympia’s […]

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Let’s make this a tradition!

Since I arrived at The Sherwood Press 26 years ago, I have always thought we should open up for Halloween, but in all those years we never had, until last year. This neighborhood just isn’t a big Halloween neighborhood, and lots of parents drive their kids up to the South Capitol neighborhood to enjoy the crazy […]

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