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“Assigning The New York Times in classes makes the abstract concrete and a complicated world more understandable. As the contemporary comes into sharper focus, students see it in fuller context and from different perspectives. Including The Times on a syllabus ensures relevance — with the work of the newsroom always animating the life of the classroom.”

Robert Schmuhl

Walter H. Annenberg-Edmund P. Joyce Chair in American Studies and Journalism
“[The New York Times] has been a GREAT thing for our music students. Every week we have our New York Times round robin discussion, in which students have read an arts article and brought it in for discussion. It has really added to the class and made students much more aware of the arts in our nation. We have had some very lively talks about what makes art and what is happening in the arts based on the New York Times articles ... I am looking forward very much to using it again!”

Lynn Vartan

Assistant Professor of Music | Southern Utah University

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