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The Sunday Review

Aidan Koch

Don’t Suspend Students. Empathize.

Discipline can be a lose-lose proposition. Here’s a different method.


The False Promises in President Trump’s Tax Plan

Mr. Trump says that all Americans will win big from tax cuts on businesses and the wealthy. It’s a tough sell because it’s not true. comment icon Comments


The Real Campus Scourge

No safe space or trigger warning lifts the sting of a cold new world. comment icon Comments


Right-Wing Books, Wrong Answers

A professional deceiver and a high-minded conservative reach the same dead end. comment icon Comments


We Don’t Deny Harvey, So Why Deny Climate Change?

We know there’s a link, and there are things we can do to combat global warming. comment icon Comments


The Best Era for Working Women Was 20 Years Ago

Were the 1990s a peak never to be seen again? comment icon Comments

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Maureen Dowd is off today.


The Real Battle Begins: Mr. Macron vs. the Labor Code

The president has had a rocky few months. Now comes his first true test: reforming labor rules.

Editorial Observer

Can Melania Trump Rise Above It All?

Stiletto heels won’t help, but she could bring some grace to the chaos.

Op-Ed Contributors

What Climate Scientists Want You to See in the Floodwaters

Hurricane Harvey offers an opportunity to understand what’s happening to the climate and how we can mitigate future disasters.


Is Trump Really Pro-Worker?

He talks about his love for miners and factory workers. So far, he hasn’t done much to show it.

A volunteer searching for stranded residents in Dickinson, Tex., last Monday.

Houston Needs a Hand

An anti-government stance made Hurricane Harvey’s impact worse. Can big government now make things better? comment icon Comments


Goodbye, Yosemite. Hello, What?

The Ahwahnee Hotel in 1980. Because of a trademark dispute, it has been renamed the Majestic Yosemite Hotel.
George Rose/Getty Images

Confederate statues are not our only monuments to self-delusion. comment icon Comments


In El Salvador, ‘Girls Are a Problem’

Salvadoran woman are facing an epidemic of violence fueled by impunity and a culture that normalizes machismo.


Stephen Miller Is the Enemy of My Dreams

Sometimes what you’re looking for has been right there all along, shouting over women on cable news shows.

Gray Matter

Outlawing War? It Actually Worked

A 1928 pact brought an end to the right of conquest and changed the way states behave.


What if I Bombed at My Own Wedding?

We were writing our own vows. I needed to make sure I got some laughs.


In Silicon Valley, Working 9 to 5 Is for Losers

A century ago, factory workers went on strike to demand better conditions. Today, start-up “hustlers” celebrate their own exploitation. comment icon Comments


The 1990s Gave Us the Trump Teens

Had America not absorbed the sheer skeeviness of that decade, we wouldn’t be where we are today. comment icon Comments


After Harvey, Houston Showed Up

I asked a guy who was driving his boat downtown what brought him out to help. He told me it was because his family had been spared.


Instagram Your Leftovers: History Depends on It

A food historian says everyday, forgettable meals are where the real stories are. comment icon Comments


The Moral Debate Over Statues

Readers disagree on the standards that should be used to decide whether monuments should remain, discussing Columbus, Robert E. Lee and others.

Did You Stop Supporting Trump? We Would Like to Hear From You

We would like to hear from people who previously supported President Trump, but no longer do.


Harvey, Part II

A new state motto?

The four features below have received nominations for the 2017 News and Documentary Emmy Awards.


‘The Voter Suppression Trail’

Find out if your vote can survive the great, flawed adventure of American democracy.


The Click Effect

Dive under the sea and listen to the language of dolphins and whales in virtual reality.


4.1 Miles

In this short documentary, nominated for an Academy award, a coast guard captain on a Greek island is charged with saving thousands of refugees. comment icon Comments


‘If I Sleep for an Hour, 30 People Will Die’

A World War II hero saved the lives of rebels and refugees. Now it’s our turn.


Primary Choices for the New York City Council

Here are endorsements in five competitive races.


Maybe Colin Kaepernick Is Just Not That Good

Limited skills rather than persecution could explain why he doesn’t have a job.

Op-Ed Contributor

The Summer of Love’s Dispiriting Fall

Even the Beatles began to sense that their utopia was, in fact, nowhere.


If You Want to MAGA, Save DACA

Great nations know the value of human potential. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributor

How to Regulate Artificial Intelligence

Three rules for ensuring that A.I. systems don’t run roughshod over humans. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributors

Waiting for a Perfect Protest?

Well-intended moderates have used unrealistic standards to judge anti-racism activism. But this is nothing new — just ask Martin Luther King Jr. comment icon Comments

Vietnam ’67

A Turning Point for South Vietnam?

The elections of 1967, long ignored, could have saved the country. Instead, they doomed it. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributor

The Nashville Statement Is an Attack on L.G.B.T. Christians

It’s not just symbolic. Bigoted religious views cause real harm.


Rome Survived Caligula. Will America Survive Trump?

Readers discuss Nicholas Kristof’s column about ancient Rome’s resilience in the face of unstable rulers.


Better Planning for Inevitable Disasters

Readers call for more responsible growth and question whether all taxpayers should bear the burden of “the negligence of Texans.”

Vietnam ’67: A Newsletter About the War

American soldiers watching helicopters landing as part of Operation Pershing in South Vietnam in 1967.
Patrick Christain/Getty Images

Examining America’s long war in Southeast Asia through the course of a single year.

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