WA News


WA Liberal leader Mike Nahan 'strongly opposes' secession plan

Western Australia Liberal opposition leader Mike Nahan strongly opposes any idea of the state breaking away from the federation but understands where such sentiments come from.

Liberal state president Norman Moore has flagged the idea of a Brexit style WAxit as the state continues to demand a greater share of GST.

But Dr Nahan says he is strongly in favour of the federation.

"I'm arguing for the fix of federation," he told Sky News on Sunday.

However, Dr Nahan does feel Canberra treats the state as a colony or a "great big quarry" to fund the largesse of the eastern states.

He is building a case to take WA's GST woes to the High Court but concedes it will be difficult to win.


Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull addressed WA Liberals on Saturday and again promised to set a floor on what GST the state will receive over time, as well pursuing recommendations coming out from the Productivity Commission's review of how the impost is distributed.

"That's all very positive," Dr Nahan said.

In contrast, he said Opposition Leader Bill Shorten flew into town last week, confirmed the Labor party will not reform the GST, and instead shovelled a big bucket of money at WA and the McGowan Labor government, financed by higher taxes.

"We don't want any higher taxes, we don't want baubles from Canberra. What we want is a fair share of the taxes we already pay," he said.

Mr Shorten pledged to create a $1.6 billion infrastructure fund for Western Australia to make up for a shortfall in its GST share.

Instead, Dr Nahan will be happy in the short term for there to be a "floating floor" put in place so as WA's share of the GST increases from its present level of 34 per cent, it locks in each year to about 70 per cent.

But longer term he believes the GST should be distributed on a per capita basis, which he is confident the Productivity Commission will recommend.

"We will continue to prepare the case for this over time. There is a lot of work to it, we'll see what happens," he said.

"If Shorten is elected we will pursue the High Court challenge with vigour."