

Malcolm Turnbull's solution to energy crisis is 'woefully mild'

Someone on the Prime Minister's extensive communications staff has decided that it's energy week.

That's likely a good political decision – same sex marriage week and citizenship week were not kind to the PM. But his insistence on dragging the heads of energy retailers to his office for a school principal-grade talking-to is wearing thin, and it's unlikely to change much.

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Turnbull pushes energy companies on price

Electricity companies will write to a million households by Christmas to offer them cheaper power plans, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull demanded.

There is a lot wrong with the way electricity is sold at a retail level to households in Australia. In many states – but not the ACT – there are no restrictions on the amount of profit a retailer can add to the power bill. Retailers in these states take a margin of more than 12 per cent, against a retail sector average of less than 6 per cent.

Regulation of ACT retailers by the Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission bucks the insidious trend that has spread across government thinking over recent decades, and it's a testament to past and present ACT governments that they have placed the interests of territory electricity users ahead of the profits of power retailers in this area. But retail is just part of the equation, and ACT power users have not been spared.

The reality is that, in conducting an optics-heavy attack on retailers, our Prime Minister is spot-treating the most obvious symptoms of a broken system while the disease itself progresses unchecked. He is doing nothing to treat the root cause of the problems, which lies at the other end of the supply chain with power generators.

Since the introduction of the National Electricity Market in 1996 the wholesale price of energy has risen dramatically. The rules of the game allow energy generators to manipulate the spot price of power to extract maximum profit by withholding supply from the grid until the price spikes.


Last Tuesday, consultants at Schneider revealed that opportunistic and aggressive practices at power stations owned by AGL and Origin had added between $30 and $35 per megawatt hour to the wholesale price of electricity in NSW. Between them, these companies reported an underlying profit of more than $1.3 billion last year.

Researchers from the Melbourne Energy Institute found in August 2016 that generators engage in both physical and economic withholding of generation to take advantage of "quirks of the market settlement process" to increase what they're paid for energy.

The ACT is usually a net importer of power from generators in other states, and this behaviour drives up the underlying wholesale price of energy, making bills higher despite regulation of the premiums that retailers charge.

Decades of piecemeal privatisation has failed to deliver real competition or lower prices. They have also hamstrung government efforts to control prices or secure supply as lawmakers have relinquished control of the mechanisms that would enable this.

The nation has handed control of our power system to a cartel of energy pirates who are pillaging the Australian people because a broken set of rules not only allow but encourage it. Generators call this good business. I think it's deplorable and unacceptable.

The consequences of it go beyond high prices – the failure of Pelican Point to spin up when South Australia blacked out early this year meant a longer blackout across the state, because generators are allowed under our current system to put money ahead of people's needs.

The PM's proposed solutions have been woefully mild. The latest – that retailers will write to one million customers by Christmas – is typical of his movements thus far. It's non-binding and ineffective, but due to the inclusion of a large number in the headline announcement, it sounds like he's doing something.

The final piece of the puzzle – and a vital one – is a clean energy target. Both home and large-scale generation lessen the load on networks, which means less is spent on network upgrades. Renewables also reduce our exposure to rising gas prices, and the large-scale battery projects associated with them mean that the peaks and troughs generators rely on to price-gouge can be smoothed out, especially when renewable projects are state-owned.

Renewables also have handy side benefit of helping us to avoid the immense human suffering associated with climate change.

Australians used to have an electricity system that belonged to everyone and was run in the interests of people, delivering the most affordable power in the world. We can have it again if our leaders are willing to tackle difficult policy questions and treat energy as more than a cosmetic distraction from the problems of the day.

Allen Hicks is the secretary of the Electrical Trades Union