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  1. há 13 minutos

    Drone footage reveals the total devastation in city controlled by ISIS in Syria

  2. há 47 minutos

    . says N. Korea's nuclear goal is three-fold: - Kim Dynasty survival - Taken seriously on international stage - Economic growth

  3. há 57 minutos
    Em resposta a

    The blast yield from North Korea's nuclear test was 50 kilotons, a Korea Meteorological Administration official says

  4. há 1 hora

    How does the man-made earthquake from North Korea's nuclear test differ from a natural one? CNN meteorologist explains

  5. há 1 hora

    Around 60,000 people evacuated from central Frankfurt while officials defuse a WW2 bomb found at construction site

  6. há 1 hora

    Meet Otis, the dog whose picture went viral in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey

  7. há 1 hora

    S. Korean Pres.: N. Korea's nuclear test "an absurd strategic mistake," will lead to further isolation of Pyongyang

  8. há 1 hora

    Ex-CNN Beijing bureau chief : China's in a "very uncomfortable position" after N. Korea's nuclear test

  9. há 2 horas

    Russia's Foreign Ministry says North Korea's latest nuclear test "deserves the strongest condemnation"

  10. há 2 horas

    After the 6th nuclear test, says N. Korean officials believe the weapons will actually prevent a war

  11. há 2 horas

    What is a hydrogen bomb and can North Korea deliver one?

  12. há 2 horas

    Lobbyist and anti-tax activist eyes Mt. Rushmore for Reagan's face

  13. há 2 horas

    South Korean official: South Korea will seek diplomatic measures to “completely isolate” North Korea

  14. há 2 horas

    German election: Here are three key issues expected to dominate the debate between Angela Merkel and Martin Schulz

  15. há 3 horas

    Monitoring agency: North Korea's nuclear test had a yield of 120 kilotons, 10x more powerful than any previous test

  16. há 3 horas

    Comey drafted Clinton exoneration before finishing investigation, GOP senators say

  17. há 3 horas

    China's Foreign Ministry has condemned North Korea's latest nuclear test

  18. há 3 horas

    North Korea has successfully tested a hydrogen bomb, the country's state broadcaster reported Sunday. Live updates:

  19. há 3 horas

    Asian-American dads, who are 36 years old on average, are the oldest fathers of new babies

  20. há 4 horas

    Wife of Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez said she was stopped from leaving the country for trip to Europe

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