Magazine of the Socialist Party, Australian section of the CWI

Theory & History


International Women’s Day (IWD) falls on March 8 every year. The first IWD was organised in 1909 by the Socialist Party of America, in …


The 2017 Midsumma Pride March was held in Melbourne during late January. The event had a huge turnout of over 45,000 spectators. The Socialist …


Demonstrating the worldwide hatred of Donald Trump and his policies, millions of women occupied streets around the world in late January demanding an end …


2016 set new global temperature records, showing that the Earth is continuing to warm as a result of the burning of fossil fuels for …


2017 marks the 100-year anniversary of the Russian revolution. Throughout the year, The Socialist will publish material to commemorate and celebrate this truly historic …


The idea of welfare benefits being replaced by a ‘universal basic income’ (UBI) has resurfaced in recent years – a welcome discussion because it …


With the end of the mining boom, the main sector propping up the Australian economy is property. It is becoming more likely however that …


In many ways capitalist competition is a lie. Just look at the huge monopoly on the mobile phone market held by Apple and Samsung …


After facing pressure from sections of the LGBTIQ community, the organisers of the annual Midsumma festival in Melbourne announced that they would not be …


The year 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the Russian revolution. The 1917 revolution stands out as the greatest event in history – so …


Last month the pictures of two young women were splashed across the front pages of various News Corp publications. The papers described them as …


Tens of thousands of people have marched to demand equality for LGBTIQ people in recent years. In 2016, we have seen an outpouring of …


Right-wing politicians are campaigning to repeal Section 18c of the Racial Discrimination Act (RDA) and make it legal to humiliate, insult, offend and intimidate …


The Liberal government has made proposals, which if implemented, would gut the welfare system. Social Services Minister Christian Porter announced a $96-million-dollar scheme to …


The marriage equality plebiscite was blocked in the senate on November 7. This came after Labor announced plans to oppose the plebiscite in early …


Engie, the majority owner of the brown coal-fired Hazelwood power station in Victoria’s La Trobe Valley, have said that the plant will close in …


In recent years there have been many commemorations to mark the 100-year anniversary of World War One (1914-1918). Very few however have noted the …


In Ireland, marriage equality for LGBTIQ people was won via a referendum in 2015. Below, we present an interview with Conor Payne, a member …