Magazine of the Socialist Party, Australian section of the CWI



Tensions between the United States and China, already high, are growing as the brash and unpredictable Trump moves into the White House. Australia’s ruling …


More than 100,000 people marched in Taiwan to demand marriage equality in December last year. The massive protest, and solidarity rallies around the world, …


Chinese students studying in Australia were labelled pests by Fairfax Media international editor Peter Hartcher last month, for allegedly acting as sinister agents for …


Wukan in southern China was described as a “war zone” last month as hundreds of heavily armed police descended on the village raiding houses, …


Earlier this year the Chinese National Bureau of Statistics announced that coal consumption in the country fell for the second year running. This was …


A rising mood of discontent has erupted in Kazakhstan against the dictatorial Nazarbayev government. Thousands participated in countrywide protests on Saturday May 21, only …


Tensions between the US and China over the South China Sea, which have been rising over the past year, could spike dramatically in coming …


50 years ago the ‘Cultural Revolution’ began in China. Here we carry an edited version of article written by Peter Taaffe for the British …


Last week a number of media outlets in Hong Kong made sexist and racist attacks against our sister group (Socialist Action) who have been …


By Amy Neve Thousands of coal miners have been on strike in China over unpaid back pay and concerns about potential lay-offs. Crowds of …


By Jeremy Trott In January dozens of nurses in Chongqing went on strike over low pay and poor working conditions. Strikes have been ongoing …


Could the financial turmoil of the opening week set the tone for 2016? Per-Åke Westerlund, with additional reporting by Vincent Kolo Global financial markets …


“Black Monday” exclaimed China’s official news agency Xinhua as China’s stock market slumped 8.5 percent on 24 August. This triggered the sharpest falls on …


In the past year China’s stock markets rose by an incredible 150%. They then shed about a third of their value in a matter …


Last month, a racist campaign targeting Chinese nationals angered many Sydney residents. Leaflets were distributed in some suburbs describing the buying of properties by …


Last month the US and China signed a pact in Washington aimed at trying to avert conflict when their aircrafts operate in close proximity …


The anniversary of June 4, the culmination of the ‘Beijing Spring’ and a day that will always be remembered for one of the most …


On July 16 the Chinese government released its GDP figures for the second quarter, causing global financial markets to heave a collective sigh of …