

The CrimethInc. Ex-Workers' Collective (CWC) is a decentralized anarchist collective comprised of many cells that act independently in pursuit of a freer world.

Inscrit en mai 2008


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  1. Tweet épinglé
    3 août

    Our new books are finally available, both in print and as PDFs! No Wall They Can Build & From Democracy to Freedom

  2. il y a 2 heures

    Escalating Repression: The German government has shut down the most popular platform for radical ideas & activism

  3. 24 août

    What to Do when the Police Knock on Your Door: A legal guide and poster

  4. 23 août

    Confronting Trump’s Police and the Fascists Who Support Them: A Report from the Streets of Phoenix on August 22

  5. 23 août

    : Trump denies that there are massive protests outside his speech, while the police tear-gas them. Classic totalitarianism.

  6. 22 août

    If you are returning to school now, order or print out zines, posters, and stickers from us to distribute on campus

  7. 21 août

    If you're returning to school now, consider starting an anarchist student organization on your campus. Here's how:

  8. 20 août

    If you're returning to school now, get copies of To Change Everything to distribute & introduce people to anarchism

  9. 19 août

    From to We need all tactics on the table in the antifascist struggle

  10. 18 août

    From J20 to Charlottesville: How state repression and grassroots fascists work together to suppress dissent

  11. 17 août

    Why We Fought in Charlottesville: A letter from an anti-fascist on what could have happened & the dangers ahead

  12. 16 août

    UNControllables: The Story of an Anarchist Student Group—and how to organize your own

  13. 15 août

    In the whole right-wing demo shouted Nazi chants in unison—Trump is now openly siding with fascism

  14. 15 août

    When the Statues Fall, Uproot the Pedestals: The Promise of Direct Action

  15. 14 août

    Ex-Worker podcast #56—Charlottesville: Triumph & Tragedy in the Struggle Against Fascism (interviews + reflections)

  16. 13 août

    An updated guide to solidarity actions all around the world this week. Pass it on!

  17. 13 août

    After , this is what a right-wing press conference looks like. As usual, the cops protect the Nazis

  18. 13 août

    Our deepest thanks to everyone who gave or risked their lives in today to stop the rise of fascism.

  19. 12 août

    Solidarity with Charlottesville: A Guide to Solidarity Demonstrations around the World & a General-Purpose Flier PDF

  20. 12 août

    On the murder in Charlottesville today: How the authorities have been laying the groundwork for fascist murder

  21. 12 août

    It was people staying home that created this situation in the first place. We need to come together in the streets.

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