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Climate Justice campaigns

For over 40 years Friends of the Earth has campaigned on the understanding that you can't separate environmental and social justice issues and with climate change there is no difference.

  The 30th of August marks a very special occasion for Victorians: the first anniversary of our state-wide ban on Fracking and unconventional gas....
"A vital stepping stone towards 10,000 jobs" The Andrews government have this morning announced the first big solar farms in the state as well...
National environment group Friends of the Earth say the Federal Coalition government's Finkel Review on energy has ignored the latest science on climate change...

Land & Water campaigns

Friends of the Earth believe that it is time to live in harmony with the natural environment and stop trying to tame it with excessive land clearing and mining, deforestation and pesticide use.

The two young co-founders of nuclear engineering start-up Transatomic Power were embarrassed earlier this year when their claims about their molten salt reactor design were debunked, forcing some...
Conservation SA, the state's peak environment body, along with national environment groups Friends of the Earth Australia and the Australian Conservation Foundation, have today...
Cold weather and the official start of winter didn't deter fifty enthusiastic citizen scientists from attending Friends of the Earth member group GECO's winter...

Food & Technology campaigns

Friends of the Earth believe all people have the right to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods and that technological advances need to be proven safe before they are deployed.

The genetically modified (GM) crop industry is not happy. It’s been over 20 years since the introduction of the first GM crops to Australia...
We are not surprised. There have been a number of recent articles in the media slamming the recent independent testing Friends of the Earth...
Independent testing commissioned by Friends of the Earth has found nanoparticles in popular Australian infant formula products that are both illegal in Australia and...

Economics for Earth campaigns

Capitalism and Neo-liberal policies are driving causes of much of the destruction we see on the planet today - we believe there is a better way to do things.

The long campaign against the environment movement As the environment and climate movements grow in power and influence, various conservative and anti-environmental forces have...
Friends of the Earth Australia welcomes the majority report finalising the Senate Committee Inquiry into the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). Whilst we concur with...
  After six years of campaigning by grassroots groups across 12 countries, US President Donald Trump has formally begun the process to withdraw from...

Indigenous Land & Rights campaigns

Australia was colonised and the resulting Frontier Wars stripped land and rights from the original inhabitants who for millennia maintained a sustainable custodianship over these lands.

It was with great sorrow that Friends of the Earth learnt of the passing of Yami Lester in July. Yankunytjatjara Elder, atomic test survivor,...
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders live 10 - 17 years less than non-Aboriginal Australians and the infant mortality rates are more than twice than...
Friends of the Earth Melbourne and Quit Coal campaigners joined with concerned citizens gathered outside Jemena’s Melbourne headquarters to protest against the Federal government...