
FoEA is currently a member of the following networks and organisations:

FoE works closely with the following organisations on a range of issues and projects:

Previous memberships and projects

  • In 2006, FoE was a founding member of the NGO roundtable on climate change, which brought together development and environmental organisations on the shared issue of climate change 
  • Coalition for People’s Transport (VIC) (composed of Environment Victoria, Victorian Council of Social Service and Public Transport Users Association)
  • we were active members of the Make Poverty History climate change campaign. 
  • FoE was a participant in the Civil Society Dialogues organised by the ACF, ACTU and ACOSS.
  • In 2008 we became a member of the No Pulp Mill Alliance, which is working to stop the pulp mill planned for north eastern Tasmania.
  • In 2008 we joined the Global Forest Coalition
  • In 2008 we joined Environment Tasmania
  • We were a founding member of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) in Australia.