Land & water

James Hansen’s Generation IV nuclear fallacies and fantasies

The two young co-founders of nuclear engineering start-up Transatomic Power were embarrassed earlier this year when their claims about their molten salt reactor design were debunked, forcing some major retractions. The claims of MIT nuclear engineering graduates Leslie Dewan and Mark Massie were trumpeted in MIT’s Technology Review under the headline, ‘What if we could build a nuclear reactor that costs half as much, consumes nuclear waste, and will never melt down?’
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Land & water

Environment groups call on Canberra to abandon Kimba nuclear dump plan

Conservation SA, the state's peak environment body, along with national environment groups Friends of the Earth Australia and the Australian Conservation Foundation, have today lodged a submission with the federal Department of Industry, Innovation and Science calling on the federal government to abandon any plan for a national nuclear waste dump in Kimba.
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Land & water

50 people attend winter citizen science camp

Cold weather and the official start of winter didn't deter fifty enthusiastic citizen scientists from attending Friends of the Earth member group GECO's winter forest survey camp in Goongerah over the long weekend.
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Land & water

High Level Waste Dump for South Australia declared 'DEAD!'

South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill made the announcement at a public forum at Victor Harbour this week, and pronounced the proposal to import 138,000 tonnes of high-level nuclear and 390,000 cubic metres of intermediate-level nuclear waste level waste from international nuclear states 'dead'. This announcement has been welcomed by traditional owners, communities and environmental groups who have been opposed to the plans since the beginning of the South Australian Royal Commission into the Nuclear Fuel Cycle which began in early 2015.   
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Land & water

Protect the Greater Glider from logging

Government scientists have advised Environment Minister Lily D'Ambrosio to issue a conservation order to protect the Greater Glider from logging. The Minister's department has urged her not to follow this advice. Instead the department recommended discussions with the state logging agency for ‘voluntary action’.
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Land & water

Nuclear power crisis reaches dramatic new levels

The rapidly-evolving nuclear power crisis escalated dramatically yesterday (March 29) with the announcement that US nuclear giant Westinghouse, a subsidiary of Japanese conglomerate Toshiba, has filed for bankruptcy. The Chapter 11 filing took place in the US Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York in New York City.
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Land & water

Judge approves some of the suit in citizen law suit of the people of Central Kalimantan

Palangkaraya, Tuesday, 22nd March, 2017 was the unforgettable moment happened in legal world of Central Kalimantan. The CTS number 118/Pdt.G/LH/2016/PN.PLK has been decided by the Presiding Judge who is also the Deputy Chairman of District  Court of Palangkaraya, Kaswanto. The decision which initially planned to be read on Tuesday, March 15th, 2017 was postponed due to several reasons. In the Verdict being read, the judge granted some of the claims in the CLS filed by the plaintiff. The case filed on August 16th, 2016 was going through a two-month mediation process and 6-month court.
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Land & water

Confirmed pesticide contamination of Victorian water supplies

Several Freedom of Information requests over the past couple of months have confirmed that low level pesticide contamination of Victorian water supplies is commonplace.
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Land & water

Undemocratic nuclear waste law disempowers communities & traditional owners

Friends of the Earth Australia is today releasing a detailed report on the National Radioactive Waste Management Act 2012 (NRWMA). The report ‒ written by Monash University fifth-year law student Amanda Ngo ‒ comes against the backdrop of the federal government's targeting of a site near Hawker in SA's Flinders Ranges for a national radioactive waste store and repository.
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Land & water


This month marks the one year anniversary of Berta Cáceres death.  In solidarity for all indigenous communities around the world fighting to protect their land and water rights, and in remembrance of the life and achievements of Berta we have put a banner up on the front of our Melbourne headquarters.  We demand justice for Berta and for an end to the repression of COPINH Honduras. 
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